Fixing the problem...
This is a continuation of what I've been dealing with on the live help thread;
It seems that now the that these gals are really trucking along in the bloom phase, we've evidenced what has most likely been a creeping deficiency of trace minerals and N (read your periodic table).
It was suggested that I round out my tool chest with another supplement to address my trace mineral issue as well as a surfactant to use as a wetting agent, which I didn't have. So I headed out this morning to the grow store and picked up the following to address these additional needs. Not what was recommended but I believe that they'll address my needs;
Fox Farm Boomerang for micronutes and N - which contains the following... BTW I think this is new to their product line.

Advanced Nutrients - Wet Betty for a surfactant / wetting agent.
In the wee hours of the morning I hit the plants with a veg dose of N and CaMg (5ml as a matter of practice), soaked the soil, cut the mix and drenched the plants covering both topsides and under with the dilution.
This morning there was a discernible difference in many of the affected areas but not entirely. Lots of green coming back.
Just now, I gave them another dose of N adding bat guano based N via Roots Buddha Grow (1tb/gal), obiligatory CaMg and the specified dose of Boomerang for trace minerals. No foliar yet.
Later after the house has settled down, I'll re-inspect and proceed to do 1 foliar application to leaves only of this stuff which the folks at the grow store thought wouldn't hurt and might enhance my multifaceted effort at giving these gals what they need to 'go to the mat' in their final phase of flowering like mad. A feast for the eyes for sure.
Here's the stuff I'm going to try out...
Organic Rescue Mist which basically a Fulvic Acid** solution for foliar application... Comes premixed... I'll apply as usual, topside and under. Being a little less aggressive than last evening. Cool container huh?
Lastly some reference shots from after the treatment last night.

Cautiously optimistic... Time for dinner, then I'll get baked, throw on some tunes and mess around with the little ladies...
** Fulvic acid AND trace mineral solution (3-9-2015)
Cheers! RS :Sharing One: