PH'd my soil this evening and it was going south so I applied some 7.0 water... I'll check later after some osmosis has taken place.
I'd applied four ounces/plant of a mix last night consisting of CaMg+, Bud Candy, Super Thrive and Fish Emulsion (measured accordingly) to the soil and really didn't think to PH the solution after I'd added 6.8'ish water. But tonight for shits and giggles I PH'd the remaining half liter and nearly had a heart attack. It PH'd at 4.0!
I'd better check the fish emulsion because the other shit is kind of alkaline... Right?
If anyone see this, give me your two cents if you feel so inclined.
Otherwise I'll try to figure out what the culprit is in this brew. It's really bugging me...
Another rule... PH everything, then when you thought you've PH'd everything, do it again... Glad I caught this."Check your PH"
RS :slaps:
P.S. The soil PH'd at 6.2 prior to adding the 7.0 water