New Grower Auto Berry Feminized first auto indoor grow for an old gardner...

Set up my veg tent... Gave the Berrys and Mango their nutes!!!

Mixed up some nutes this evening according to the schedule I've decided to stick to for the time being. Their ground was borderline dry at the top and barely moist near the bottom. Perfect for giving them food. I oxygenated and ph adjusted the water for a couple of days and mixed up the stuff tonight.

I had this fantastic pump mister that I use outdoors in my garden and decided to use it like a garden hose to water the ground nice, slow and even so as to give every root now swarming in the soil a chance to slurp up the juice! I think I took fifteen minutes per plant and gave each about 16oz and only three of them barely dripped out a tablespoon of run-off. Not bad![h=1]:gthumb:[/h]

I trucked out to the growers store this morning to get some Trinity and got another fan and filter for the veg tent while I was there and set it up when I got back. Then moved the 2 LSDs, 1 Lemon Haze and 1 Bubblegum to the new veg tent. I'll post more details about these on [h=1]Rhyce Saroni grows... 1 Lemon Haze, 2 White LSDs.[/h]
I talk about all this shit on my videos and show what I'm writing about if you want to watch and hear me have stoner moments... Many stoner moments... Ha ha ha ha ha!

Morning Co2 bath and f*ckin with my stable... day 38

I don't know why I ever decided to use this lighting schedule..."uuuuggghhhh.." I guess it was before Co2 bathing was introduced to these gals. At daybreak (12:30am) 'day' begins... Just prior to lights on, I turn off the exhaust fan, shake up the Co2 gasser and let it rip! Closing the tent I let the girls sit in the (hopefully) Co2 rich air and bask in the heat and gentle breezes for the first hour of their day while I dick around in the room doing something or other...

All of the attention and tweaks I've done to this, my first time growing entirely indoors (let alone an auto), has really started to pay off. This site is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know what the f*ck I'd of done without it. All the tips and stuff I just discovered on my own here are invaluable.

Thanks to The Elvis I saw his MI style height adjusters and copped a couple at the hardware store. Way cool man. I'm diggin' it. :cool:

I got my mojo goin'...

Plant PORN day 38:

2-18-2015 Auto Berry 38 - wLsD 9 days 2am 012.jpg

Ella and Chica show it for all to see!
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Vlog... I talk about a lot of the shit I did in the garden this evening, do a little show and tell and have my usual stoner moments...

Thanks for tuning in... RS
Ella and Chica go to the beauty parlor!

I've decided that Ella and Chica are doing soooo much better than the rest. So I've been fawning over them a lot. Today I continued on the LST with them. :Say Ahhhhhhh:
I trimmed a couple of more old leaves TaNg's Thang off of Ella that were sucking pretty bad and the branches are more than making up for their absence. Ella is seeming to like having the damaged leaves (CaMg def) removed as I'd suspected.

Chica is an unreal :drool:looking Berry and taking to the low stress training real well and Ella is getting a lot of long strong branches and flower tops and is also responding to the LST right nicely.

Ella(l) and Chica(r)...
2-18-2015 Ella (Mango) and Chica (Berry) Porn 012.jpg

Mean Green CHICA.... Soft Core Porn now but Hard Core is not far away!
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Tucking it to Ella!
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Freaky track from the Monkees

See you in the ozone layer...:Hookah:



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Continuing to groom the best ones...

I love messing around with plants. I was thrilled to see that people use low stress training (LST) for these suckers. I've done this in my garden with everything from pumpkin vines to Japanese garden specimens.

I'm glad that I planted six plants because it gave me a shot at getting a real performer like Chica my green mean Berry machine. Ella the mango is doing pretty good to by my estimation. Chica is getting nothing but LST which includes leaf tucking. This is going to be an awesome bush if I can maintain it in as good a condition as it is now. I'm real lucky with this one. Ella has a totally different growing habit, telescoping to 9" as of today. It's more branchy than the Berrys. I've been leaf cutting on Ella. I know that some people hate this but I'm experimenting with the different methods. Being that Ella is more branchy I decided to give as many as possible the shot of growing a nice flowers. I tried a couple of sites on Ella at the start and she responded so well, I gave her a coiffure after her lights on Co2 bath.

Here are some pictures post training and trimming of Ella (LST and trimming) and Chica (LST (branch and leaf) only).

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Madge is pushing out flowers - Grooming continues on Ella and Chica

I'm really not messing with Madge much, she was kind of the awkward third sister of five Berry girls. Well old Madge is showing her stuff now, karma is a bitch. A real nice development over the past couple of days. She's got no branches to speak of just a lot of flowers all along her trunk. Here's a look at her top.
2-19-2015 Auto Berry - wLSD - LhaZe - Bgum noontime 005.jpg2-19-2015 Auto Berry - wLSD - LhaZe - Bgum noontime 003.jpg

I'm really getting into the coiffing of Ella and Chica. Ella is kind of getting a B52 look to her. Kind of like Marge Simpson. When Ella fills out, she's going to look like a Christmas tree. I started by testing out my theory with the bottom branches and their response was so great that I just kept going. The theory is that if you've got some nice branches developing that once they get big enough to bend (LST) you can cut the leaf, the base from which the branch emerged. Thus re-focusing circulation and photosynthesis to the branch alone. Thus far the experiment is a success. The bottom of Ella where I started (kind of in reverse I know) is bushing out right nicely! Thanks to those who encouraged me to try this stuff. Check out the progress with Ella...
2-19-2015 Auto Berry - wLSD - LhaZe - Bgum noontime 007.jpg2-19-2015 Auto Berry - wLSD - LhaZe - Bgum noontime 015.jpg2-19-2015 Auto Berry - wLSD - LhaZe - Bgum noontime 016.jpg

Chica is by far in a way, my most favorite girl, she's a sassy lassy with a latin beat. I'm doing nothing but LST and leaf tucking and she is turning into a huge round bush. The LST and leaf tucking alone are doing a great job of coaxing the branches form underneath out to the edges where this bush will get a mound of beautiful bud sites. I'm most pleased with Chica, my best performing girl thus far.
2-19-2015 Auto Berry - wLSD - LhaZe - Bgum noontime 008.jpg2-19-2015 Auto Berry - wLSD - LhaZe - Bgum noontime 009.jpg2-19-2015 Auto Berry - wLSD - LhaZe - Bgum noontime 010.jpg

Roxanne, Carrie and Dropsy are also doing well, just not remarkable like these three.

Stay tuned, RS :Sharing One:
Berrys and Mango turn 40 days

I took these pictures before midnight, the eve of their 40th...:woohoo:

2-20-2015 Berry - wLsD - LhaZe - bGum midnight 015.jpg

Ella (Mango)
2-20-2015 Berry - wLsD - LhaZe - bGum midnight 004.jpg

Chica (Berry)
2-20-2015 Berry - wLsD - LhaZe - bGum midnight 005.jpg

Roxanne (Berry)
2-20-2015 Berry - wLsD - LhaZe - bGum midnight 006.jpg

Madge (Berry)
2-20-2015 Berry - wLsD - LhaZe - bGum midnight 007.jpg

Carrie (Berry)
2-20-2015 Berry - wLsD - LhaZe - bGum midnight 008.jpg

Dropsy (Berry)
2-20-2015 Berry - wLsD - LhaZe - bGum midnight 009.jpg

RS :smoke:
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I'm in the grow room with my tablet. Snapped a pic w the webcam...WIN_20150220_110153.jpg

Nice picture. If I could only figure out how to rotate it... Doh! :Brain Fog..:

Just tilt your head sideways... :Sharing One:


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Just a quick note. Now that I have two tents, one for veg and one for flower, I'm realizing that ideally it would be nice if I could segregate each tent within the room so that the veg tent can have more humid air and the flower tent can have dryer air.

I think I can do this by cranking down the speed on my filter fan in the veg room and separating the two areas of the room using a couple of shower curtains hung on a long rod.

I already ordered the extra long rod (108 inches) and the variable speed adjuster for in-line fans... I'll update this when the stuff arrives and I set it up and test it.

TTFN, RS :toke toking:
Just a quick note. Now that I have two tents, one for veg and one for flower, I'm realizing that ideally it would be nice if I could segregate each tent within the room so that the veg tent can have more humid air and the flower tent can have dryer air.

I think I can do this by cranking down the speed on my filter fan in the veg room and separating the two areas of the room using a couple of shower curtains hung on a long rod.

I already ordered the extra long rod (108 inches) and the variable speed adjuster for in-line fans... I'll update this when the stuff arrives and I set it up and test it.

TTFN, RS :toke toking:

Hi, Rhyce :) I used to have two 4x4 tents, one veg and one flower. The way I "tuned" the humidity (they were 3 feet from each other) was to put a humidifier inside the veg tent, keeping it around 65% rh by playing with the output knob. It would vent to the room. The flower tent, with the rh from the veg venting, would stay around 36-40% most of the time. I just had to play with the exhaust fan temp controller to find the sweet spot for exhausting the flower tent, and it would stay stable.. until I spaced filling the humidifier.... lololol