Indoor Anthro's Perpetual Science Experiment, Veganic, Multi, LED+CFL, Journal + Trials.

Also, got another 450w led panel inbound, in preparation for the DP AutoUltimate haha. Also modified the new 5gal fabric pot it will go into in order to LST the side branches, as learned may be needed from Tang and others' journals on it :)
Day 66 for the adults in Anthro's mad laboratory:
Red Poison shows more vampire colors, and just when I think it's done, she throws out more pistils! Damnit this sounds familiar. "Honey cmon it's time to go! You said you were done an hour ago!" "Just a minute I'm still fixing my hair!" ffs lol!
See she's growing buds on top of buds lol to the point where I have no idea how I'm supposed to trim it lol!
Bubblegum kinda got lame, it was really on track for some huge production but somewhere along the way it plateaued early... Oh well, wait till you see how gigantic the BBG 2 got lol!!
Pistils and leaves are finishing up slowly I guess...
Blueberry is chugging along to the finish line, some weight added but it's just never going to make a lot. The bud is at least taking on the general appearance of the typical blueberry bud.
Everybody now clap your hands! Or... Leaves... Or paws, or flippers...
See that gigantic bush over to the right, yeah that's the tiny tiny stunted Bubblegum #2 that I almost threw away lol! Is suddenly the biggest thing in the tent, and is on track to outproduce BBG1 by a fair margin. It's actually threatening my plan to install an AutoUltimate after the other adults are harvested... We'll see. There's definitely about to be a rearranging when the RP is hung in a couple days.
CHOP DAY: Red Poison. D 68.

Hey friends, took a good long look at her this morning and decided it had come far enough for me :) Could it have gone to day 70 or 75? Of course, and with some more weight. But the trichomes were getting to the edge of my comfort zone at all cloudy but about 15% ambers. [Grow note: the use of UVB 10.0 bulbs I believe artificially matures the trichomes perhaps too much. ] Besides, it's put on more than enough weight for me for this plant :)

So, it's got a good first stage trim of main leaves, cut at the stalk base, and hung whole. I'm personally a fan of hanging a plant whole by the stalk. That said, if I had a superauto like some of the huge DP ladies, I'd most likely cut main branches and hang cuts. Don't have that nice problem yet haha :)

Final pics of her alive haha!
Main top
Whole, before trim.
Whole, stage 1 trim. See, there's a nice set of herb on her :)
Beautiful :)
The middle buds are just about damn perfect :)
Even the side buds are primo! My junk camera doesn't do it justice to what they look like in real life.
There it is for now, going to let it hang for a few days and do the Stage 2 trim job. Will assess then if it needs to dry more or if it's ready for burping jars. Thank you to Sweet Seeds for excellent genetic specimens, and big thanks to everyone here at AFN for providing advice, tips, and helping me grow much better plants!

After the Stage 2 trim pics, I'll do a summary writeup over under the Sweet Seeds subforum.


Remember how I said the Bubblegum 2 was suddenly much bigger than BBG1? Here they are side by side now after some reorganization of the tent. The BBG1 will be the next one to chop :)
Absolutely gorgeous my friend! Nice work!
:slap: Right at ya brother.

Very nice work, the hue looks amazing and very dank...what you think - a zip dry? Those buds look solid, very cool.:Sharing One:
Thanks so much friends! Yeah I'm guessing maybe just over a zip ounce dry. It's really hard to say because the buds are rock friggin solid, a density I haven't had yet hehe :) I'm much more after taste and quality than weight anyways :p
Thanks so much friends! Yeah I'm guessing maybe just over a zip ounce dry. It's really hard to say because the buds are rock friggin solid, a density I haven't had yet hehe :) I'm much more after taste and quality than weight anyways :p

Great job Anth.
Question? I've seen plenty of purple branches but never a purple main stem before. Is that normal on that strain? Or the result of supplements.
Thank you thank you! Yeah the purple stalk/stems was awesome! I don't believe my supplements did it, as they all get about the same thing, just the teas, top dressings, General Organics GO Box and GO Floralicious Plus now. It started as the purple tiger stripes up the stalk that lots of plants get, but soon it was more and more purple replacing the green haha. The undersides of all the leaves are pink and purple too, which I had never seen or dreamed possible lol.
Thank you thank you! Yeah the purple stalk/stems was awesome! I don't believe my supplements did it, as they all get about the same thing, just the teas, top dressings, General Organics GO Box and GO Floralicious Plus now. It started as the purple tiger stripes up the stalk that lots of plants get, but soon it was more and more purple replacing the green haha. The undersides of all the leaves are pink and purple too, which I had never seen or dreamed possible lol.

Awesome, can't wait til you crack open the jar or whatever you cure her in , and read the report.