Black dog is at my top 3 for led purchase I'm going to buy around Xmas good to know it kicks butt I want it to run in a custom box built for me.Your ladies are lovely your going to get a good haul from those giant girls. Beautiful!
I'll be taking some pics tonight but my two girls are just about done too. They have been getting their fade on and some trichomes are turning. Probably another five days.
may be the lst. tying them down may speed up flowering? I let them go au natural. and run a natural coarse.. but for bud weight, I want them to go at least two more weeks, if not three. in two weeks I will check trichomes with microscope, to see if they will go that third week. here is a tray of as99 taken on day 65. so some are certainly done in 65 day's
Id say that is the ticket,it does help give a nice even canopy,the lst screen Yeti had a lower bush cut today,I can tell mine have quite a way to go tho....
have been away for a couple of weeks and its great to catch up on this thread. they all seem to be filling out very nicely now and it looks like we are on the home straight. great work everyone!
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