:smoking: certain nutes are "hardwired" to be taken in by the plant whether they need it or not,.. N is top o' that list! Obligate uptake and utilization, basically, so it there's too much N around during bloom, it'll force more vegetation production,... now the plant needs N all time still, but they also store lots of it for later use, like during bloom,.. in nature the abundance isn't so great, but in our gardens, it's all-you-can-eat! Sometimes this catches up with us, when we get N-tox', exceeding what the plant can metabolically store w/o problems,...(also, the source of N makes a big difference; NH4+ and NO3- are taken up at different rates, are metabolized/stored differently, and in different places within the plant).... I've read plants can store enough N by late veg that they'll need no further inputs, but I think that's more of a in-nature deal-?,... we push the plants so hard with extra PK, supp's, etc., that the sheer mass of bud produced requires some extra N, as it's a primary building block of tissues,... The fans can provide some extra, as is normal during bloom,... and as you see, many bloom formulas do have a little N in there for support,... so a modest amount of N during bloom is okay, if the plant is eating fans quickly, early, as long as the PK ratio stays high,... it's hard for some to tolerate- LOL!, but the girls should look pretty haggard by harvest time, a sure sign that you've forced extra nutes to be depleted, making for finer smoke! Pretty and green don't get you stoned,...