Indoor Another test run for "Short Stuff" got to love these people!

I feed sugar beet molasses through the sixth week, then switch to bloom, and stop the molasses. but two of what I use during bloom, have a small amount of N it seems to be sufficient till flush.
tiger bloom....2-8-4 and bio bloom ...2-4-4 . during final flush I add some local honey. thats it. :cheers:
:smoking: certain nutes are "hardwired" to be taken in by the plant whether they need it or not,.. N is top o' that list! Obligate uptake and utilization, basically, so it there's too much N around during bloom, it'll force more vegetation production,... now the plant needs N all time still, but they also store lots of it for later use, like during bloom,.. in nature the abundance isn't so great, but in our gardens, it's all-you-can-eat! Sometimes this catches up with us, when we get N-tox', exceeding what the plant can metabolically store w/o problems,...(also, the source of N makes a big difference; NH4+ and NO3- are taken up at different rates, are metabolized/stored differently, and in different places within the plant).... I've read plants can store enough N by late veg that they'll need no further inputs, but I think that's more of a in-nature deal-?,... we push the plants so hard with extra PK, supp's, etc., that the sheer mass of bud produced requires some extra N, as it's a primary building block of tissues,... The fans can provide some extra, as is normal during bloom,... and as you see, many bloom formulas do have a little N in there for support,... so a modest amount of N during bloom is okay, if the plant is eating fans quickly, early, as long as the PK ratio stays high,... it's hard for some to tolerate- LOL!, but the girls should look pretty haggard by harvest time, a sure sign that you've forced extra nutes to be depleted, making for finer smoke! Pretty and green don't get you stoned,... :biggrin:
I ask because I had noticed what appeared to be N tox. Super dark leaves. Texture was thicker too. Looked just like N toxicity. this was awhile back in the tabe. Anyway I have some outside girls just starting to preflower, but I use the same rsz for the table and my sak is getting a late start while the sab is going into flower esrly as shit. There is no way to feed separately. So I'm stickin to veg nutes no transitions this time. Everyone is getting more N. Just wanted to see how much damage I may do all said an done. Most the autos in flower are in lame soil so it may work out.

Thanks @Waira for the low down.
And all you guys.
Both girls are extremely healthy and the Yeti cross seems to love Defoliation
SCH x Yeti
This girl is gonna be a beast, her side branches are developing their own branches now. This thing is gonna be just 1 big circle of Colas! there has to be 30+ tops on her at the moment
I think i finally have LST down:eyebrows:
VERY even canopy!

SCH x Amnesia
She is further along on flowering but the LST was started too early.. im trying to salvage it but this may be the best i get her...:shrug:

