Indoor Another test run for "Short Stuff" got to love these people!

Auto fox how many documented grows do you have bud... the powers that be lay down the guide lines I just follow them ... the rule is 2 documented grows and 400 post. Your just shy of 400 so we can work on that bit do you have 2 grow journals with us ?
's our testers so far.

1 Astro

2 E.O.F

3 Step

4 wile E

5 autofox.

@AutoFox your far along enough to consider it 2 grows bud... just get those messages up to 400 ;)

@greenjeans I would love for you to be a tester bro. If you can start 2 plants in a few weeks we can work with that but the suppliers need these strains tested soon. 2 months is a little far out on this one bud...
Ok fellas.... I'll be the short stuff recruiter again this round... we're gonna have 8 testers... each tester will receive 2 strains.

The powers that be have decided there are 2 requirements for testing.
The tester must have 400 post on AFN and also have 2 documented grows under the Ole belt...

The strains will be chosen in this manner.... the testers will be allowed to choose from the order they volunteered. If all the strains have been chosen by the time it gets to the bottom of the list you will get the remaining seeds.......

I'm getting the list together and I'll get shipping and strain info later
Please count me in bro would love to test out new strains would be such a honour