Outdoor Amnesia7 Greenhouse grow

Seeds are germinating nicely. Four days after sowing and I'm between 80-90% germination. I expect a few more will pop in the next day or two, and I will start hardening off soon. Half of our order of 7 gallon fabric pots is in, so I have about 500 pots to start with. Pots are almost 7 gal of actual volume, I usually expect 5 gal actual for a #7 pot, but stoked that these are nice and tall with lots of room for roots. I will just need to make another soil mix. Fortunately I only popped half of the seeds, so no issue on that end. I will be running 2 plants per pot. This works well for me, easier to water and dense canopy. I am looking for an oz per plant with this growing style. Peace
Nice start @stew!

I confess, I find myself thinking about the trimming project. You are going to need some help! :biggrin:

Good luck with the rest of the project. :pighug:
Good one today. Got started with a handful of cubensis this am, then got to planting. Two rows planted with some spares left for duds. I have to get some soil mixed, and germ more seeds. Second half of this GH will be planted about 10 days behind the first. Sparky got fans going today. The control is a breaker for now, but the girls wont cook. Also got mesh installed on GH to keep the deer out. Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Get those autos out!
Babies well established now. Saucers are in place, so irrigation is on point. We have had a cloudy couple of weeks. Exhaust fans not quite keeping temps in line (no ridge vent) temps running up to 34 c in full sun. Will be installing a couple of swamp coolers next week, but not optimistic on drastic change. Inputs arrived, so mixing soil for balance of greenhouse next week. Cheers!
Thanks @Olderfart ! This strain reeks like burnt oranges late in flower. Def lookin forward to hanging out in there. Fortunately we are on 60 acres, so probably no smell complaints from neighbors.
Jealous don't quite cover it. :mrgreen:
Girls doing their thing. Overcast and cool for past 10 days. Looking for a sunny trend starting next week as they enter stretch. Very little climate control in this house. I will be following basic organic IPM protocol including Sulphur, Botanigard, Regalia, Actinovate, Bacillus, etc. PM is present on other plants on farm, so expecting to see in this crop at some point. Hoping to selectively pollinate plants that show highest PM resistance to continue the line. Minimal pruning will be required for this crop. I cull any off type or slow plants, and shift those 1 plant pots to center of canopy to ease crowding. Let me know what you think. Not much happening with the crop at this time, and happy to answer any questions. Cheers!
Is that guttation I see going on at the moment? I recall it well from my ugly grow outside last summer. :frowny: Do you have any way of keeping RH down later?
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Is that guttation I see going on at the moment? Do you have any way of keeping RH down later?
Not sure what guttation is, so not sure if I have it. No apparent fungal issues at the moment, just slow growth from low light, cool conditions. I have no real control over RH in this house, all I can do is move air with my power allotment. Outdoor plants are under sustained slug attack at the moment, but not crossing crushed rock to get in greenhouse. I need copper perimeters on my outdoor beds to zap the slimy bastards. Next season... Junuary never a great month here in coastal BC.