Indoor Alien v/s Triangle(special pheno) & Grape Walker Kush

AvT looked hungry as hell so she got her first feed today. Gave 1/3 gallon of: 0.5 NPK, 5ml hydroguard, and 5ml calmag. The bucket ph was 6.5 so I added a 5.2 solution. I'll recheck it later to make sure all is proper.. the roots are really starting to shoot down now as well.

GWK is really praying now and her roots are coming out of the bottom of the nursery. I'm gonna lobby for her to go into the bucket by this weekend.

Btw happy national pizza day. Time to roll a blunt and order some pizza!
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Here's some interesting GWK pics. This is the hardest I've ever seen a lady pray! Lol.. I've been lobbying for her to finally go into a bucket, but my girl wants to wait til about 2 weeks. So sometime this week she will be placed in a 3.5 gallon. I'll officially update later this week with both AvT and GWK. Just wanted to share these pictures.
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Well I'm back with another officially official update. I hope everyone had a great valentine's day. Whether you spent it with your loved one, or your hand, I hope it was a good one. Here's what's been going on basically over the past week:

Closet Environment:
50% RH

AvT is 3 weeks old since birth. She was starving for nutrients and i think she could possibly be an eater. We had some slime/algae issue going on lately and we don't know why. She isn't showing any signs of stress and on the contrary, has shown significant growth every single day, with her roots officially all up in the bucket, relaxing in the spa, still looking white and not slimey... needless to say we are stumped as to why there was algae, or slime, or whatever the hell that was in there. Any input about that is welcome. The bucket has since been dumped, cleaned, and filled with fresh water mixed with:

5ml rapid start
1-1-1 npk
5ml hydroguard
5ml calmag

And ph'd to 5.7/5.8..
We will keep an eye out for any other slimey grimey developments..

GWK is 2 weeks old and is officially in the bucket. She looks already to be about the size of AvT. We're just waiting for the roots to come down and for her to really start taking off.
She is looking quite fantastic and I have never seen a little girl pray as hard as she did. Hallelujah.. I promised myself I wouldn't peek underneath to check for progress on the roots. Well, for atleast a couple more days. Haha..


And just for shits and giggles, here's a shot of the perpetual we finally have up and running. Green crack on the back left, and white widow on the right (here I am, stuck in the middle with brew..)

That's all I got for now, unless I post some other randomness throughout the week. I hope everyone has a great day, evening, weekend, or what have you... [emoji111]
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Here's my weekly update, I'll try to keep it short and sweet..

47% RH

5.7 pH
Added a bit of fresh water. Shes already showing lady bits. Not sure what that means for overall growth. She finally started to hit a stretch,but only after the humidity unintentionally hit 77%. That was only due to a fan accidentally being left off and our humidifier was left on the highest setting. It's hard to say whether that was coincidence or not... I still am weary she may not be too big or could be a runt.


5.7 pH

Lowered water level a little bit. Might be too high, and we're trying to coax roots to come down to the res more and explore. She has not shown sex yet..


At this point I'm overall a little weary of what both of these can become size wise given the time line they are on right now. I guess we will see..

I also didn't bother to put ppm this time as I believe I figured out the slime was from our R/O filter being on its last leg. The water in my area is hard and has a level of up to 500ppm, and this filter is about a year old. I'm currently waiting for a new one to come in the mail sometime next week. On the other hand turning up the air pump has since corrected the slime problem so I'm at a crossroads of either letting these grow out with what we're doing now, and just reading the plants, and keeping the ph in check, or just switch the old filter for the new one out once it arrives..
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Its brewski back here with another update. Spring is just around the corner(hopefully) and I for one am glad.


Temp: 82°
RH: 47%

It has been a couple weeks of uncertainty for the girls as we weren't sure what the hell was going on with them. Let's just say some lessons were learned, and it's definitely a good thing. I am happy to report things are ALOT better.

The R/O filter:
came and we did not hesitate to hook it up and toss the old one,which gave it's last reading at 435 ppm. That's completely ridiculous and unhealthy. The old one was over a year old anyway so what else would I expect (duh). The new one of course instantly read 0 ppm. We dumped and changed buckets immediately.. much much better, and I'll be more vigilant on that from here on out. It did however manage to clog up and trash out a couple of our air stones faster, so I cleaned the ones we could save and threw out the ones we couldnt. I have some (including a fancy glass type of one called: "the bubble bubba")coming in the mail as I type this.

Humidity differences:
We've also learned that some cannabis in their younger stages want more humidity than others, and won't respond as well to anything less than a certain percentage in order to grow to their maximum potential.
I happened to see another post on here talking about getting cake plate lids from the dollar store to cover their girls up. I happened to drive by one last week sometime, when I remembered so I dropped in.
I didn't find a cake plate lid but I did find containers that will work just as well, and they come in various sizes. We put those on top of the ladies, and overnight it brought dramatic results. I'm talking 2 inches of growth on AvT and GWK was praising the heavens again. They had some heat stress, but corrected themselves shortly after we took the lids off. So now that we know all of this, these containers will probably be utilized from here on out, unless we get genetics that can withstand slightly lower amounts of humidity without any issues. The only precautions we need to take is to make sure the outside or ambient temperature isn't too high or else they could get cooked.

water levels:
we have come to figure out not to get too crazy on keeping the water level up too high. Let the roots chase the water, and have a bit more of an air gap in the res. Plus with the airstones pushing the amount of air out, there will be water bubbling up to the bottom of the basket anyway. Any risk of roots drying out I feel for us, is kinda slim. So from here on out we will probably keep the water at a lower level unless they happen to be drinking like crazy.

Anyway, without further ado....

AvT :
She's been stretching almost an inch everyday after improvements were made. I was scared at first but feel things will work out now. We're just letting her keep stretching until she slows down, then we will flip her into bloom.


Has not shown sex yet but at one week younger, is around half the height of AvT. She's also alot healthier than she's ever been since she was first born. I feel she may outgrow AvT but that remains to be seen. We still keep a cover on her overnight for now, but take it off when the lights are on.

420ppm [emoji6]


Both have already been introduced to silica blast by now.

The learning process is constant and never ends. It feels good to see a problem, address it, and see the results pan out for the best. I couldn't be happier about it.

That's all I got for this week. Sorry about the long read. Hope everyone has a great weekend. And remember to:

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I'm telling you guys this GWK is INCREDIBLE. Here is a fresh bud cut just earlier this week. About 6 days ago I believe. This one weighs 17.2g and it's one of the hardest buds I have ever seen in my life. It's downright fucking ridiculous. Seriously. And guess who has a bunch of seeds and a bottle of Collodial Silver sitting on top of my full stack guitar amp? This guy. Lol. Not gonna let her go extinct. It's just WAY to fun of a plant to grow....which I am about to start 3 seeds this week. Ohh boy. Enjoy the grow dude. Get that dome thing off there.

There called KAAHBS Joe
If you think the GWK is strong,try the AvT special..Nugs that could break a window..Though in the looks department, GWK wins.
I've grown AVT special 3 times. The GWK is next level. Between me and my boy we have grown about 6 different GWK plants.... everyone is next level. The GWK responds to LST so well....better than any other we have seen. It also reeks. Really bad. You absolutely should not grow GWK without odor control. We are gonna try and cross Sour Stomper with GWK. We'll

There called KAAHBS Joe