Indoor Alien v/s Triangle(special pheno) & Grape Walker Kush

Here is the main stalk cola from GWK [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]....letting the bottom go for another few days. Checking it with the scope. I had some early humidity problems that have been taken care or.....hopefully forever. And we are setting up my new 4x4 tent this things should be better everyday. Anyway, that is the biggest top and was 71 days at time of chop of GWK love. My AVT special is still about 15 days shy. Low humidity puts them in almost a suspended animation state, hence the extra days. Have fun with this phenomenal breed. Cheers

There called KAAHBS Joe
Here we are with a Thursday update.
AvT is doing her thing in the nursery and I have a feeling she's gonna be a healthy sized girl. She's stretched almost to the lid and looking like she's hungry, so we have been giving her a light solution of rapid start and calmag from a spray bottle. Tonight she will go into a 3.5 gallon bucket with a very light solution to get things going. We also moved the cob light down a little more to keep her warmer during these miserable months of winter.


As for GWK:
Unfortunately her root riot cube kept getting absolutely drenched for some reason. To the point where you could literally squeeze out a decent amount of water. We tried what we could but to no avail she passed away. (I still have no damn clue why it does that sometimes) So what I did Sunday night was get another one soaking in a shot glass and waited for her to sink and start cracking. She went into another cube as of Tuesday, and this time we made damn sure the cube was not wet. We just stuck her into the cube as is. The cube was moist enough as to where nothing would be drenched. I'd rather have to spray the cube due to it being dry than try to squeeze water out. Nothing has popped yet, but I anticipate in a day or two she will.. hopefully


I'm not sure if I could still use GWK along with AvT for the competition. Today is the official deadline so if I cant, I totally understand, and will roll with AvT. Regardless she will still be noted in the journal.

shout out to @mephisto for these lovely prizes from the last comp. I can't wait to have some room to try a couple of these out. I was thinking strawberry nuggets for sure. But as for the other choice I can't say yet. They all sound awesome.

Thanks for tuning in everybody. Once GWK pops up I'll update. Other than that I'll keep you guys updated by next week for sure. Keep those thumbs green [emoji106]
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Hello everybody,
Here comes another weekly update. Nothing too crazy going on yet, but that's not a bad thing. The girls have been doing their thing, and have been looking to be in decent shape during this crucial stage of life.


Temp- 80°
RH- 40% (its cold outside, and wishing this was atleast around 5-10% higher)

AvT sprouted from her cube on 1/24 but didn't go into the bucket til February 1st. And as of February 7th this marks her at 14 days old. Her roots are at the very bottom of the net pot and I assume will be dangling by the morning time, what awaits for her is a light blend of calmag,hydroguard,and rapid start. We anticipate/hope she'll really start taking off by then. When she does, we will adjust the water level more.

-No ppm to report
-PH:5.7- 6.0


GWK is officially 5 days old and still in the nursery. She's looking great and will be transferred in around a week, once her root system gets established a little more. We provided the toothpick for support as she was limp for one day, but has since gained strength and all but ditched the crutch. We have been keeping her cube moist by spraying ph'd water (5.7/5.8) mixed with a VERY light solution of calmag and rapid start. Looks like she may have even been burned a little so we cut even more water into the spray bottle, during this delicate stage of her vibrant life.


Here's a random shot of a pineapple express that was trimmed yesterday:

I hope everyone has a great week/weekend [emoji106][emoji111]
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That's a big pH swing. I would want to be right at 5.8 every time for where you're at now. Just my opinion though...take care. And my oh my is GWK some potent ass weed. My AVT is still not done....a few more days now.

All photos are GWK.
Cured for about 10 days
That's my girl before she got murdered and chopped up and lit on fire. It's some straight [emoji91]. Strongest Auto I've grown so far.

There called KAAHBS Joe
That's a big pH swing. I would want to be right at 5.8 every time for where you're at now. Just my opinion though...take care. And my oh my is GWK some potent ass weed. My AVT is still not done....a few more days now.

All photos are GWK.
Cured for about 10 days
That's my girl before she got murdered and chopped up and lit on fire. It's some straight [emoji91]. Strongest Auto I've grown so far.

There called KAAHBS Joe
Right on, the input is appreciated. We will start dialing in the ph more once her roots are officially in the res, which I'm assuming should've happened by now, but I'm at stupid work and can't check until after,haha. Personally, I really don't mind some ph drift as long as it's not too drastic, and stays within a certain value range. When it gets to flower is when we tend to keep it in a little bit of a higher value

That GWK you have looks great, and 75g isn't too shabby at all. I'd be alright with that, and i love the grape crinkle/skywalker genetics. She should definitely be some awesome smoke.
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