Live Stoner Chat AFN Baking (breads n things)

Welp... Managed to kill my starter. Thought it was in the fridge, but apparently not.

No biggie, and actually it gives me a chance to finally use a culture I bought. Supposed to be Austrian in origin.


It's the one leftover from my years-old experiment in growing a bunch of his cultures. Been sitting in the fridge since sometime in 2017. Going to start a new jar with this as part of the flour component and see what comes of it.

Could be fun.
Was gonna wait until tonight, but I am really missing fresh bread... so the sooner this gets going the better.

The above culture sample came out to be 29g, so that plus 121 grams of flour and 150 grams of water gives me the 1:1 ratio I want, and there's tons of food for the new critters to eat.

If this doesn't really start to take off by tomorrow, the culture was nothing more than a pouch of flour.... Either way, I should eventually get a viable starter by the end of the weekend.

I am thinking about doing this. You got my back with any questions?

Seems like a good time, and I got a couple spare Big Balls Jars. Should I use tap or RO water? I got both, along with a nice scale, so that part should be cake. I have read your crazy post twice. I want sourdough. And I am gonna grab one of those wicker basket things.

THEY'RE called KAAAAHBS Joe's dad's stuff
:smokeout: hey buds! Where's all the food porn at? :rofl: -- too much :blahblah:, not enough :pie: :drool:....:crying:
I'm not much of a baker, but I'm cursed with the double sided family sweet tooth! So, I try to handle my favorites at least....
Here's one from Mom's PA-Dutch side of the family, Shoo-Fly Pie- :thumbsup: ... it's not an easy one to pull off, especially when you have to improvise an ingredient, in this case brown sugar Karo, which I have seen once in my life, and now it's like it never existed- :cuss: I'll post the recipe that we found matched grandma's best,... old school ways, she always made it from memory and tossed together measuring, so no written one was ever found...:biggrin: .... but for now enjoy this spankin' good wet bottom pie! A reshoot is in order, complete with whipped cream so next time I'll have a better plate fixed up...


I am thinking about doing this. You got my back with any questions?

Seems like a good time, and I got a couple spare Big Balls Jars. Should I use tap or RO water? I got both, along with a nice scale, so that part should be cake. I have read your crazy post twice. I want sourdough. And I am gonna grab one of those wicker basket things.

THEY'RE called KAAAAHBS Joe's dad's stuff
Of course I got your back! Just PM me or hit me up here.

Tap water is fine as long as there's no chlorine or chloramine. Same deal with plants, you don't want to add any poison to the culture.

I am having a really weird time getting another starter going. I managed to let my old one die, though really I think it should have made it... So now when I start a new culture, it almost immediately turns into shit, making acetic acid vs lactic acid. Vinegar smell. I have a feeling it's a byproduct from my other fermentation efforts polluting the air with critters I would rather not wind up in my flour. The excess of acetic acid inhibits the yeast. Really pissing me off.

This latest effort is an inoculation with an established culture (maybe) with plenty of food for it to grow. Time will tell if it makes a difference.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it:

Day 1 - 50g water and 50g water in a clean jar. Mix well. Cover loosely.
Day 2 - same ingredients, same mix, same cover
Day 3 - Yeah, like day 2.
Day 4 - This you do over and over: In a clean jar, add 100g of existing culture, 100g flour and 100g water. Mix the hell out of it.

Eventually it will start creeping close to the top of the jar in between feedings. At that point, make some bread!
:smokeout: hey buds! Where's all the food porn at? :rofl: -- too much :blahblah:, not enough :pie: :drool:....:crying:
I'm not much of a baker, but I'm cursed with the double sided family sweet tooth! So, I try to handle my favorites at least....
Here's one from Mom's PA-Dutch side of the family, Shoo-Fly Pie- :thumbsup: ... it's not an easy one to pull off, especially when you have to improvise an ingredient, in this case brown sugar Karo, which I have seen once in my life, and now it's like it never existed- :cuss: I'll post the recipe that we found matched grandma's best,... old school ways, she always made it from memory and tossed together measuring, so no written one was ever found...:biggrin: .... but for now enjoy this spankin' good wet bottom pie! A reshoot is in order, complete with whipped cream so next time I'll have a better plate fixed up...

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Damn, that looks good.
@Waira I do want to put up some more stuff, but until I can figure out why my starter keeled over I am hesitant to start something new. Infection is possibly a problem, and if it is, I know the source. Might be awhile before I can get a good starter for awhile if it is.

Also making fermented cabbage which puts off a dank smell, and likely a bouquet of various fungi and bacteria. Might have to let that finish first.