Aerogarden CS Sex Change

Forgot to say how easy the cs spraying is with a plant like this. All I do is nudge the branch close to the spray bottle and apply. Another good thing is I trained and trimmed so there are only six branches. Application is a breeze, I can't overemphasize this!
They're a little hard to see in the pic but I am starting to see male flower pods. This strain seems to be changing faster than the other, or it could be that I just have more patience since I have managed to do this once before.

royal queen diesel auto first pods - Copy.jpg
Now the pods are really starting to develop. I'm noticing something strange here. Remember this is LST'd horizontally. The branches that would have been lower on the plant if grown upright are changing first. What would have been the top has a couple pods but nothing like this one, which would have been the lowest branch:

royal queen diesel automatic mf - Copy.jpg

*Edit* Maybe the lower branches are changing first because they are older parts of the plant, more mature?
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Just thought I would post a pic of the full plant being changed.

I guess the trimming I did is called "lollipopping", and I absolutely hate it. This will probably be the only time I use that term ;) Regardless of the name, I will say that what the technique does far makes up for it. It's exactly what I was hoping for in a plant devoted to pollen production!

The ozone damaged leaves keep hanging on so I have left them, even though they are ugly haha!

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Here she/he is, pretty much all converted. No open flowers yet but that's ok. Pollination sites on plant to be pollinated aren't quite up to snuff as of yet. Very soon. The two week lag between seeds really seems to be the best time frame. This was achieved with 100% homemade CS. Thanks again Bob!

royal queen diesel fc - Copy.jpg
Wow, just did the math. Only 8 days from when I noticed the first pods to the last pic. That's really fast growth haha!
Cool thread man, Great info to learn. Im going to make my own CS generator next week and will start to germinate a cream Mandarine seed I got from Sweet Seeds, Will be good to have some pollen stored for some crosses I plan to do. Bob's a great guy eh? He's giften me some of his Epic kush auto's and some silver wire so that I can make my own CS and start my path of independance. Should be here tomorrow yaaaa K.I.M.
Awesome! Yes Bob is a cool dude. I can't believe how much he has helped me learn!

I'm going to make another change to my Aerogarden, mainly to save money. Already got rid of the pump with a bubbler (I actually put electric tape over the contacts so the pump doesn't run at all). Now I am going to buy a bulb conversion kit that will let me use regular CFL's instead of the expensive Aerogarden ones. This way you will be able to change out between veg and flower light spectrum's too, another bonus!

Glad you like the thread so far!
Hmm... The flowers that are beginning to open are shriveling half open. No pollen, anthers are totally dry. Thinking it's because I'm still spraying. Decided to stop, maybe once the cs hits the inside of the flower it kills it? We shall see
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Hmm... The flowers that are beginning to open are shriveling half open. No pollen, anthers are totally dry. Thinking it's because I'm still spraying. Decided to stop, maybe once the cs hits the inside of the flower it kills it? We shall see

those flowers are releasing pollen , they just arent jam packed full like you normally see

have a fan lightly blowing on them and your other plants will be full of seeds , many times without you EVER seeing any released pollen

but yes , if they are opening you should have stopped before now , i like to spray close to opening/releasing but i try to stop just before it happens
