Aerogarden CS Sex Change

Here's a strange phenomenon I hope can be explained... The reversed male flower pods seem to be maturing but none have opened yet. There are two that seem to have tried to open but they have shriveled and failed to bloom. In the photo they are much greener than what they look like in person, which is a faded yellow:

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Could it be that the first couple fail like these and it's normal? The more mature ones keep getting fatter but they refuse to open. Frustrating but I am keeping my patience. I've waited too long to cash in my chips now!

Thanks Bob! If I would have just looked back at my last plant I would have seen this is normal!!

I've moved the Aerogarden from the garden to a safer area so I can do selective pollination. God I love this hobby!!

I also got my new light adapters so I can use regular bulbs in my next reversal.
Once again you were right Bob! I am getting nervous because the plant that needs to be pollinated is progressing rapidly. Took a tweezers and removed one of the flower pods that were shriveled and as I took it from the plant a tiny little yellow pollen explosion happened.

I removed some more and just crushed them over the flower I wanted to pollinate. I will do the same tomorrow. Maybe there will be enough in them to pollinate my branch.

Some people might be upset at this tiny amount but for me it's perfect since I am trying to get seeds just from one branch and not pollinate the entire thing!

For what it's worth I did the crushing and pollinating with a gloved hand...
Thanks for the likes guys! Either one of you ever do something like this with success?
Here we go again! This time it's a Dutch Passion Auto Blueberry we are reversing, two weeks old today. This is her first LST tie down and she is already reacting to the light.

I had to give myself a pat on the back, this stock is over two years old. I kept it in a mason jar in fridge drawer with raw rice to act as a desiccant. Had my doubts but she sprouted on the second day! Hopefully her mate seed that I planted today (two weeks later exactly) will thrive as good as she is.

One thing that worries me is that I have read that this strain has a tendency to hermie. I am hoping that the treatment won't effect pollen. It would be impossible to tell if the plant was throwing hermie flowers because they will be turning male anyway... Any thoughts out there?

dutch_passion_auto_blueberryt1 - Copy.jpg

Edit: I should also mention that I am unsure if the last pollen was viable or not. I did some experimental pruning on the mother plant and somehow she started finishing really fast and came in at a pathetic weight. It seemed that after I pollinated her she turned all her buds. I think this was a coincidence and a miserable attempt at lollipopping that will never be repeated. I still have seeds for the New York City Diesel left however so I will be attempting it again.
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Bob do you have any thoughts on the hermie issue? It is confusing, some say the strain has absolutely no problems and others bitch endlessly about the hermie problem they have with it. I am wondering if there is a temp issue, since they are mainly indica maybe they like to be on the cool side...
i see it as original blue berry is well known to be nute sensitive and when people screw up because of not being careful they blame the strain

as for breeding fems and not knowing if the plant you reversed was hermie at all , best i can say is due to being auto and not a proven hermie free clone , the best you can do is carefully inspect the female seeded plants when harvesting the seeds , if any of the girls had thrown balls or nanners dont use the seeds from them (they can be deeply burried so inspect well)

then grow some of the offspring and see before mixing seeds from separate plants or further breeding etc etc

best of luck and peace
Sprout on second seed today! I am really impressed with the seed's preservation, must have done something right...