Aerogarden CS Sex Change

Damn it I was wrong anyways.... Just got home from work and there are two large leaf sets forming! Grr! Pics soon
Here she is. I need to start taking the pics before I re-tie her haha! I invested in some Gorilla Tape today. When I got home from the store after buying it all the tape had come up from the deck. That is why there is some yellowing on the leaf growing from the tip, it hit the light.

The new tape seems to be doing a good job so far. The real test will be tomorrow when I spray with CS. Been putting a wash cloth under the plant to soak up extra but moisture still gets under the tape from the wicking of the pipe cleaner. We shall see I guess. Read an amazon review that said this tape is really waterproof. Hopefully they were correct!

Here is a full shot:

dpbb3 - Copy.jpg

And one of the ACTIVELY growing tip :dunno:

pdbb4 - Copy.jpg
Just a weekly update. Plant is finally starting to display definite flowering. Planning on going one more week in veg mode and then switch nutes and lights. Here is a pic from the top, it shows the budding sites. Flowers are still turning brown, shouldn't be long now:

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Really hoping that one more week of veg will help to fill in the right side (the main growth tip). I have been slowly trimming some of the bottom growth off the the plant to promote an even canopy for the light to hit, and make spraying much easier:

agdpbb2 - Copy.jpg
I've also come to accept the fact that as far as I can tell this is the best LST method for the Aerogarden. A person just has to completely rip apart the tape once a week and re-tape the ties. Gives me a chance to inspect the plant and do any trimming I need to. The trimming I have done has been over a long period of time, I think it would be way too much stress to take it all at once.

Hopefully I will have some pollen sacs soon! ;)

Edit: She's really starting to button up from the main growth tip... Maybe I should just switch this week (tomorrow is nute change day):

agdpbbbud - Copy.jpg
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GRR! So last night I decided to try my 2700k lights in the adapters to see how they looked and basically get them swapped out. Neither one of them worked! Same wattage and everything as the lights that are in now... I even plugged them into a regular socket and they are working just fine! WTF?!?!
Picked up two more lights at the grocery store today. They work fine and I switched to these full time now.

Did some thinking on the way back from town and I really want to reiterate the fact that I picked up the lights at the GROCERY STORE "pher Wiggle"

Anyone who grows anything with the Aerogarden needs to get these bulb converters and also just use an air pump in the reservoir! I can't imagine all the money I have saved over time with DIY instead of buying replacement pumps and lights constantly from Aerogarden's site!

Edit: This post put me at 420 posts:jump:
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You might be able to use one other technique for lst with that aerogarden. You can wrap wire around the branches and connect it to the main trunk and then you'll be able to bend the into shape and they wil stay like thatbecause of the wires. After a couple weks they will be hardened in that position. However with this technique you ahve to be careful to inspect the wires and make sure they arent cutting into the stems when they get thicker. Using not so thin wire, and also not wrapping so tightly will help with this. Afterwards, your best bet is to just clip the wires off in sections with wire cutters or something so you don't risk snapping a branch unraveling them.
You might be able to use one other technique for lst with that aerogarden. You can wrap wire around the branches and connect it to the main trunk and then you'll be able to bend the into shape and they wil stay like thatbecause of the wires. After a couple weks they will be hardened in that position. However with this technique you ahve to be careful to inspect the wires and make sure they arent cutting into the stems when they get thicker. Using not so thin wire, and also not wrapping so tightly will help with this. Afterwards, your best bet is to just clip the wires off in sections with wire cutters or something so you don't risk snapping a branch unraveling them.

garden/coated wire can now be bought at dollar stores around here

Hmmmm! I will have to check that out! My next changling will be a hubbabubbasmelloscope (yep, you read that right haha) from mephisto genetics. Maybe I will have to try that out. How does the main stem stay short? Does it just naturally stay stunted? I will have to look for some pics of the technique on google here shortly. Pictures truly are worth a thousand words sometimes :)

Thanks guys!

- - - Updated - - -

What I should do is just wrap the whole thing like I'm training a bonsai tree... That seems like a hell of a lot of research though to get the technique right. Sure there is centuries involved in that hobby!
Well shes going fully male now...

From the side:

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And a blurry shot of some male pods. I had to really magnify for this shot and didn't realize it was this bad until just now:

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I honestly can't find a hair on her.

Edit: Well, the ones that were originally there, died, and have not fell out yet are still there. Ha!
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