Aerogarden CS Sex Change

you dont want to smother them with their own moisture

locate the driest spot of the driest room in your house , maybe slice the pods open

run a dehumidifier in a small room or something

got to be a way around humidity


Don't the pages wick the moisture away? Otherwise the leaves wouldn't dry in scrapbooking...

Slicing them open should help tho.

Does anyone know how hot pollen can get before getting damaged? You should be able to put some pollen sacs under your lights where it's like 70-80F and they should dry out like a plant that you forgot to water.
Don't the pages wick the moisture away? Otherwise the leaves wouldn't dry in scrapbooking...

Slicing them open should help tho.

Does anyone know how hot pollen can get before getting damaged? You should be able to put some pollen sacs under your lights where it's like 70-80F and they should dry out like a plant that you forgot to water.

ive seen many leaves mould with this done too soon , and i see it as too risky trying to dry pollen sacks this way , you need open air , otherwise wicking or not the pods will remain moist as will the surounding areas of the pages

a dark dry room on a plate or similar is where id be doing it , and as mentioned , if RH is a big issue , run a dehumidifier in the room

but with all that said , id just tend to rely on the plant to do its things , have a fan set to low blowing across/through the reversed plant and onto the females behind it

99 times out of 100 pollen will fly , even when it doesnt look promising


edit, ehazy , your book idea reminds me of something , not exactly what you are saying , but about saving leaves in an art type of way

we used to take a wooden table , sand it down on top , then put on a layer of wood finish , then while still wet we would place a leaf or leaves on it , then when ready for the second coat we would go over the table and leaf or leaves

made for some really cool looking tables
Patience seems to be the hardest virtue to learn, and the most rewarding:

dpbbmale - Copy (2).jpg

This is one of the opening flowers (center). I have a couple now. The stamens seem very long... Maybe this is normal when first opening? Or maybe my shemale is just well hung ;)

I'm so happy I can finally get the other plant pollinated now either way. Her clock is ticking louder and louder the more she matures!

Here's hoping the pollen flies soon!

Stopped spraying two days ago, since I thought I would have to be harvesting flowers that were partially opening and didn't want to kill any pollen that may be inside. The female flowers are making a strong come-back even with this short amount of time passing. I think it's safe to say that Dutch Passion Blueberry's genetics are truly all female.
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Patience seems to be the hardest virtue to learn, and the most rewarding:

View attachment 360974

This is one of the opening flowers (center). I have a couple now. The stamens seem very long... Maybe this is normal when first opening? Or maybe my shemale is just well hung ;)

I'm so happy I can finally get the other plant pollinated now either way. Her clock is ticking louder and louder the more she matures!

Here's hoping the pollen flies soon!

Stopped spraying two days ago, since I thought I would have to be harvesting flowers that were partially opening and didn't want to kill any pollen that may be inside. The female flowers are making a strong come-back even with this short amount of time passing. I think it's safe to say that Dutch Passion Blueberry's genetics are truly all female.


You said your plant ismaking pistils again now that you stopped spraying? If you can, you should see if you can get any seeds from those using the same plant's pollen and post about your fem:hermie ratio... Tbh i don't think you will if they are dutch passion genetics. THey are probably already being pollinated by themselves (the pistils that are growing) anyway.
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Uff! I think I will do as you suggest but save the seeds for a grow when I don't have anything new going on at the time. I have been a serious seed collector in the past couple years and I have all sorts of new genetics that I want to try out. I have my next two grows already planned out. Next is a hubbabubbasmelloscope by Mephisto genetics and then I am going to give Royal Queen's Jack Herer another attempt.

I know exactly what you are after though and it's the same thing I am after as well. It would be so much easier to have one plant to make seeds from rather than have two going at one time. Especially in my situation where I grow such a limited amount. The time saved alone would be fantastic.

I just worry about the hermie issue. I have no personal experience with selfed seeds and get a mixed bag of opinions on them. My main guru here Bob has been adamant that these are bad juju and I really take his advice seriously.

Maybe what I could do is just run a batch entirely in the aerogarden, say 3 plants. Not for production but for testing. See if any nanners show themselves and if they don't I can have a reasonable estimate as to the hermaphrodite issue.
if the plant/strain is stable and hermie free before making the original seeds you recieved then chances are great that you wont see any hermies , however , selfing will give you hermies far easier then making sibling fems

it all comes down to proper stress testing "BEFORE" breeding , which you cant do on a "SINGLE" auto plant and then breed with it at a later date , the best you can do is stress test numerous plants from a batch of seeds , then use plants from that same batch so long as the test results were good , it is not 100% accurate , but as close as it gets when working with autos

another thing i do is pic my seeds by hand and "THOROUGHLY" inspect the girls/seeded plants as im harvesting the seeds , if i see any balls or nanners (including the hidden deeply burried nanners) i will NOT continue breeding with seeds from that plant


p.s. what im saying is , it all comes down to DP , did they stress test before making selection and breeding , time will tell i guess
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If I understand correctly, I agree. I think that if the plant doesn't have a low stress tolerance it shouldn't make any hermie babies, but if it does, you would see them because it would be as if both parents had the trait.
If I understand correctly, I agree. I think that if the plant doesn't have a low stress tolerance it shouldn't make any hermie babies, but if it does, you would see them because it would be as if both parents had the trait.

that is the main reason for my being against "selfing" , some people call sister clones (photo) selfing , however i call that producing fems

Just an update. I have been drying the pods in a paper bowl placed on top of the Aerogarden. There is a gentle heat coming from the bulbs. If placed directly in the center it seems to be very gentle heat so hopefully it isn't killing any pollen that is contained in the pods.

Unfortunately the stamens that are developing are just drying on the plant to brown brittle little things that aren't coated in pollen. As Bob suggests however I am not giving up. I am crushing the pods over the sites that I am hoping to pollinate on the sister plant. After doing this today I did notice a powdery substance on my fingers so hopefully this was the pollen I am after. Today was the second day doing this. Sadly there is no withering of pistils yet. Maybe after today however, since there was the powder noticed.

Time will tell I guess :) I will keep updating