Aerogarden CS Sex Change

Bob when you say nute sensitive do you mean too many or to few? Just trying to cover my bases with the strain. Thanks!!!
Bob when you say nute sensitive do you mean too many or to few? Just trying to cover my bases with the strain. Thanks!!!

too many

feed half the strength you normally would , only up it if you see lowers starting to yellow

your normal ph level in the water will or could be different with different amount of nutes into it so be careful to properly adjust it after adding the nutes before watering

but your hydro right ? same deal , check/adjust accordingly

Fantastic info Bob! I will keep it at 1/4 strength and leave it there unless I see any yellowing.
Misting began today. Caught her with two tiny pistils coming out the top. This is about the same time I started on my first plant so I am just hoping this will be a better pollen producer. LST is going great, tied down again today which is why she looks a little horizontal at the tip:)

Decided to start the misting with an old Tiresias mist bottle that I found in the cupboard instead of full blown spray bottle misting at this point. The thing looked drowned after it's first misting today!! I am also more interested in just hitting the growing shoots that will have the flowers as before, only more exacting this time. At least this early in the grow, the taller the flowers get the more mist I will need and I will switch eventually.

I would like to also note that the growth has been phenomenal under regular CFL's now that I have the aerogarden adapters. These are two 23 watt blue spectrum for home lamp use. When it get's closer to full flower I will switch to the warm bulbs.

That is unless anybody thinks I should switch now? Any suggestions would be appreciated!!

blufem - Copy.jpg
lookin forward to watching as she/he progresses

switch em later as she/he is actually flowering

Thanks Bob I will stick with the original plan! This reversal stuff never seems to get old. You taught me one of the best tricks of my life:)
Just an update. Quick and busy week for me!!

This is one of the strongest girls I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. She is literally ripping the duct tape right from the grow deck within a few hours of re-seating. Quite frustrating actually but she has forced me to make some decisions for future reversals.

I have decided to experiment with my other (currently unused) Aerogarden grow deck and see how a scrog setup can be made. I can't have this happen in future grows too, my goal was to have it as hands free as possible.

Here is a shot of her today:

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And the pistils are changing right along schedule:

dutch_passion_autoblueberry_sc2 - Copy.jpg

I switched to the big spray bottle yesterday. It was too big of a job for the smaller one. It definitely served it's purpose while the young growth needed it though.
Just did some trimming. Got rid of some of the fan leaves closest to the camera. I am hoping this will create more energy to the growing shoots since this is where the flowers will come from. Left the bottom two fan leaves on, didn't want to stress too much.

Also took off all the old duct tape and applied new, as well as re-tied the main shoot. Seems to be holding better. I feel part of the problem is the spraying, it wicks in the pipe cleaner and gets under the tape, loosening the glue. No getting around this... I could change ties I guess.

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I can happily report she is starting to head now. The growth from the main tip is becoming smaller and much more compact. Will get some pics up early next week, maybe tomorrow.

For those in the know, should I switch to my warm bulbs for flowering now or wait a little longer?
wait longer , it should help reduce stretch , unless you want it to stretch
