Aerogarden CS Sex Change

Kind of tricky getting the pollen from them... Normally they open pretty much all at once, then I take a folded piece of foil and tap the flowering branch over the foil and pollen pours onto the foil. These seem to only want to open one at a time so you need to be stealthy and get the foil under the one flower and remove it with a tweezers. Any false motion leads to an explosion of pollen and a blown chance haha! I have plenty of flowers however and since they are just starting to open there will probably be more and more opening on the sites so my regular method can be used.

One thing I will never do in the aerogarden is allow the plant to grow upright ever again. It has made the thing unruly and difficult to harvest from. Like I said in my last post I look forward to the LST in my next grow! I wish I could get my camera angle under those lights so I could show the tops that are burnt by the lights. If this was a female I would be in tears at all those burnt buds! Take head anyone who thinks they can grow a full female in this system! You will regret it!
Hey all! Just wanted to let those who still follow this know that I ended up pollinating one branch of the mother plant and I can already see seeds forming. Sadly the reversed plant got so out of control under the aerogarden hood that I had to end its life. Pollen collection became impossible. Like I said though I did get some seeds out of the deal but sadly no pollen for future chucking.

Anyway, now I have started the next experiment. I put one royal queen seeds Auto Diesel in a pod yesterday. Just checked and indeed there is already a sprout! Amazing seed quality there!! Like I said in a previous post this plant will be lst'd with pipe cleaners and duct tape. I am really looking forward to seeing how this works compared to letting the plant grow as it wants...

As I said before I will not be adding cs to the nute solution this time but will spray as in the last. I have a strong feeling that this will make the plant very easy to spray!

Also a note to fellow aerogardner's: I have confirmed that the garden does just fine without the pump as long as you have hearty aeration with a larger bubbler and a full tank. This setup saves the cost of growing in the aerogarden immensely !! Considering the pump usually costs around $30 or $40!!! I don't even have the bubbler right under the pod! I am also looking into other lighting options than going with the company's expensive bulbs. They sell adapter kits on ebay. This would allow the grower to change to a warmer light during flower as well...
glad you got some seeds

remember , practice makes perfect , soon you will have more seeds then you know what to do with

Hello to those who may still be watching this thread!! I just wanted to post the new experiment.

This is the beginning of the LST, this plant is only 2 1/2 weeks old! I am just tying down the plant with pipe cleaners and securing with black duct tape. The strain is Royal Queen Auto Diesel. This plant is a really surprising find, seed sprouted in 24 hours and is growing very fast. I am growing in the Aerogarden the entire time as before. The hope is that having the plant horizontal will make the CS spraying easier with access to all nodes that will eventually be flowers. I have never done an LST before so this will be an adventure.

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Hey all! Just wanted to drop an update line... Still no preflowers yet so spraying has not begun. This is actually quite alright however, since I am waiting for this girl to finish:

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I selectively harvest so the top most buds have been removed from her. She's the Northern Lights X Big Bud from World of Seeds. It is interesting to watch a new flush of flowers as soon as the light hits the canopy stronger after more upper buds have been removed. Here is a pic of the average bud I have harvested from it:

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After this last flush I think I am going to take her down though. It looks like nothing but popcorn from here on out.... I grow for quality not quantity so I'm happy with what I've got.

I am really happy with LST so far:

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It has been a challenge at times. The Aerogarden lights seem to heat up the "glue" on the duct tape enough to make it want to release from the grow deck but with patient perseverance I have maintained it quite well. As a veg propagation technique it really is amazing! I am happy to have not had to raise the lights yet. Side branches are growing quite well. I need to get that seedling planted before any spraying takes place so I am actually glad to be taking down the other plant soon so it can have it's own bucket.

One question that is totally off topic for this thread (hope I don't get in trouble for asking here)... What does one do with their popcorn buds? I really don't consume cannabis outside of my days off so I really don't need any more than the "good" buds I am harvesting. I've tried iso hash... bleh. Just wondering if anyone had any links to recipes? I will search the threads in the forum more too but I know many of you who read this are far more experienced than me so if they had any info I would really appreciate it ;) I wish I had the balls to try BHO, it seems really scary to me. Perhaps I will save the popcorn for summer and try it outside.

EDIT: I forgot to mention the seeds on Northern Lights X Big Bud, or lack thereof... What I thought were seeds seem to be really large pistil pods. I am thinking I didn't get any seeds. I will be able to tell after harvest but for now I think it was a fail. I don't consider it a total fail however since I learned how to reverse a plant!
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I moved the younger plant to it's own Aerogarden today. I also noticed my first hairs on the plant I will be spraying:

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CS is being brewed as I type this. Application will begin tomorrow. The LST seems to have created a somewhat thick canopy. Hopefully it will help in spraying...
A quick update. Spraying continues on Diesel being changed. Pistils are dieing off as in the last experiment. Bought an ozone generator and learned that one should not use continuously... Burnt the shit out of the leaves. Plant is healing fast however. Oh, and the Northern Lights X Big Bud plant that I thought wasn't going to produce any seeds:

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So friends, this works quite well. These seeds were from ONE bottom branch. The rest went unpollinated. Weird science man!
Here is a pic of the changing Royal Queen Auto Diesel. Please don't be concerned by some of the leaves. They were burned by my ignorant use of an ozone generator. Lesson learned, only run these at an hour or so a time!

I have also taken a more aggressive pruning approach and utilized LST. All bottom vegetation has been removed and the plant has been topped. Please remember that this is only for pollen production. I have found that in the Aerogarden it is very important to control growth after my last fiasco. The plant is thriving extremely well considering all this treatment...

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