Aerogarden CS Sex Change

First off I wish everyone a safe and happy New Year!

I have been doing much research lately on LST and the Aerogarden in general. I think I have found some answers to my question and have some pics to share.
I have found that Aerogarden LST should be done with a pipe cleaner bent and hooking the branch to be lowered, then the pipe cleaner hook is secured to the grow deck with duct tape. I will be doing this on my next reversal attempt and have a strong feeling this will work so well I will use this method exclusively.

My current plant being reversed had to be bent because it kept growing into the lamps and burning. I simply closed the handle of a pair of scissors around the main stem and let it act as a weight. I decided on this after watching some videos on supercropping and was surprised at how much abuse the stems can take.

The bending created quite the crease:
crease - Copy.jpg

This is what the plant looked like the first day :
aero bend - Copy.jpg

And now (amazingly) 24 hours later:

wide shot - Copy.jpg

Even the top most tip that was bent over is reaching for the light:

bending up - Copy.jpg
(Note the burnt areas as well as the leaves I had to clip because they burned in the lights. They are HOT!)

Each branch sticking up towards the light has male flower buds on it. The clusters are quite small but hopefully with the added light they will grow in size. I have my doubts about this because auto’s are tricky with their timing.

One final change in the next reversal: I plan on feeding 1 cup of CS to reservoir at first sign of preflower pistils. When spraying the pistils begin withering immediately. It seems to me that if it is going to work the pistils should change somewhat quickly too when applying by roots.

I have a question to those who are more familiar to CS, how long do you feel the CS will remain active in the reservoir? I am worried that it could be broke down quite quickly when added to nutrients and PH correction additives.
I've done this. Exact experiment with cs water feed. It works twice as fast. I sprayed a plant down and by accident i. Dropped the container into the medium. Was about one cup. I flushed it once it started showing deficiency and then spreyed the plant again within 1.5 weeks I started seeing pollen sacks. That was just one plant and I did spray to but it seemed to have faster results.

I forgot to thank Kaosangel22 for the CS suggestion!
strange i remember once someone at treatingyourself or maybe the mns forum claiming feeding plants c.s water was good for them and didnt reverse them

HOWEVER he said he was going to document it with his current grow but never did , so i couldnt say forsure if he was talking out of his ass

i might give it a try in the near future , im sure ive mentioned i would already , just havent gotten to it

I have a question to those who are more familiar to CS[/B][/I], how long do you feel the CS will remain active in the reservoir? I am worried that it could be broke down quite quickly when added to nutrients and PH correction additives.

id worry more about the colloids bashing against each other and multiple ones combining into single large ones that are too big to be of any use

worth a shot though i guess

Here's a strange phenomenon I hope can be explained... The reversed male flower pods seem to be maturing but none have opened yet. There are two that seem to have tried to open but they have shriveled and failed to bloom. In the photo they are much greener than what they look like in person, which is a faded yellow:

shriveled pod - Copy.jpg

Could it be that the first couple fail like these and it's normal? The more mature ones keep getting fatter but they refuse to open. Frustrating but I am keeping my patience. I've waited too long to cash in my chips now!
** Update **

Just broke the magnifying glass out as well as the mag goggles. Really checked these two sites out and I see that this is not withering at all. I strongly feel that these are the immature petals of the first two male flowers!
** One last update **

This is the last one I promise! I got to inspecting the plant more and found another one of these strange unripe flowers. This is on a different budding site:

Bob's Awesome! - Copy.jpg
those "strange unripe flowers" do release pollen , just not explosive ammounts

and yes ime it is normal

your doing fine

Thanks Bob! I'm relieved to read your expert opinion! Did you catch the name of the last pic?? Ha!! Have a great day!
They're opening!! Thanks so much Bob! Can't wait to start my Royal Queen Diesels and LST them to the Aerogarden grow deck. I will be posting the entire procedure on this thread. Should be much more manageable. Decided against adding CS to nute solution since this is obviously working so well.

first flower - Copy.jpg