Aerogarden CS Sex Change

if the plant is healthy and you are sure reversal took place and male flowering has begun id switch , keep spraying it with c.s as well

feed the girls veg like you normally would and switch when you normally would

Bob is the master so just listen to him.

And just like growing a female same nutrients you would give your lady. Just make sure ya keep spraying. Til shes full of stamen. I believe stitch told me once that if you stop spraying more then a week ethylene production will re start. I personally spray til i see some male flowers bursting then i stop. To wait an collect pollen
Hi guys! Thanks for the input. I decided to implement the transition phase ratio which is 2-2-2. I did this at quarter strength. GH nutes are that strong! Also put plant to be seeded in permanent home. She is pictured below. I let her grow a little longer than I usually do before transplanting so root mass was quite huge. Careful slow removal was a must but roots all came out whole.

pollen recipiant - Copy.jpg
Not much new to report other than the Tiresias Mist has ran out so I switched to the CS that I made. I wish I would have started on this rather than using the mist. I was impatient....

Edit: I just tested my homemade CS with TDS tester. It is reading 0.06.... Is this a little on the weak side? I can see the occasional silver flake in the laser beam but it's not lit up. Should I go ahead and re-brew?

Bob, I'm going to ask this on your thread as well.
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To anyone reading this, Bob answered on his thread. He said if the beam is thick with sparkles it should be good to go. Mine is not however, so I will be brewing a little longer.
Thought I would show the effects of CS some more for those following now or in the future. Thankfully I had done much research when I first tried this on the plant that died due to soil but it can be alarming to see your plants growing this way.

Here is our healthy specimen growing in DWC bucket:

lady bug - Copy.jpg
Note the Lady Bug! Ha ha!

Now we see the plant being reversed, note the twisted leaves. It was difficult to get a proper shot so the reader will have to trust me but it is overall quite stunted in growth as well. I was happy about this since I am growing in the Aerogarden:

shriveled - Copy.jpg

Still no male flowers however. As fast as the preflowers showed I was expecting it to be a speedy process but this is not appearing to be the case. I can't wait to post pics of them when they finally do arrive. I have to admit I was hoping that the hydroponic method would make the process faster but this simply isn't the case. The plant is doing quite well considering.
maybe stress has slowed the flowering ?

ive got a plant that is part of an auto breeding project , this plant didnt auto but the plant to receive the pollen did , so ive cut the hours on the plant to reverse to 12/12 and ive been spraying like a mad man 4-5 times a day/night lights on and lights off , my plant is in pro-mix hp with added perlite and even with all the excessive spraying its not showing any stress whatsoever , once it reverses i think it might make a good model pic for my c.s thread so people can see a reversed plant doesnt have to look fried like most peoples do when they make threads or youtube vids

anyway , point is , i see stress in your plant , it might be related to spraying with c.s or it might be nutrient related , burn or deficiency ??

keep on keeping on though , ive stressed some pretty bad and they still reversed and did their job just fine

Thanks for the input Bob! It could be the Tiresias mist too. Who knows . Some strains may handle the cs better too. I'm not worried about loosing the plant, it just looks like many others I've seen online. I'm actually really happy with the progress so far. Wednesday was only week one so I think it's doing quite well for just that small amount of time.

On a side note, after the night I had at work I would much rather be a stressed cannabis plant! Man I gotta find something different. Alright enough whining;). Off to bed