Aerogarden CS Sex Change

awesome , now the fun begins

thanx for the reminder , i didnt update my experiment , yes the plant i sprayed every second day did fully reverse and yes it is dropping pollen

i think i waited too long to give flowering nutes cause she isnt dropping a lot , the seeded plants are seeded though


seems my brain is elsewhere , i did update my thread/experiment lol

Good point Bob! Maybe I should get a bubbler in there. Didn't want it to come down to that (I was trying to find a simple, quiet way to do this), but at this point I am more interested in DWC hydro reversals. I will dig around and get one set up tonight. Love stoned adventures haha!!
Alright, we are bubbling. Not as great an adventure as I thought, I had everything right in the garden... "Bailers Booya"

I should also point out that it is difficult to only spray growing tips when the plant is still this small. I tried my best to keep it a light spraying...
What a difference oxygen makes... Plant has grown noticeably in only one day, DWC is amazing! My theory that no oxygen added will help keep growth down is undoubtedly fact. As I said though, I am now more interested in what will happen with reversal in hydro.

As soon as I see any withering of pistils I will post pics.

The "seed plant" of the same strain will be getting her permanent home on Tuesday (transplanted from second Aerogarden into bucket). I will post pics of her too, should be interesting to see how fast she grows after getting hit with that GIANT stream of bubbles. The pumice bubbler's for buckets emit a crazy amount of oxygen to water!

She has also been a little on the difficult side. She is only showing 3 blades on one side of each set, and grew a little slow at first. The main growing tip has shown an explosion of growth over the past day or so, I think when she hits properly oxygenated water she will do quite well. I have had runty little plants like this in the past that have grown into monsters so I am not too concerned about this trying start to her life.

Got home from work a little while ago and lights are off for the night, look forward to tomorrow morning to see if there are any changes to the preflower pistils. I had all my pistils withering on my last attempt at reversal but then the grim reaper came calling on that poor girl. Never again with soil, should have never tried it again in the first place. Fungus gnats, guessing game feeding, etc. Screw that noise!
Sorry I didn't get this up sooner, work has become busy once more, and a bit on the strange side... Anyways, I took this on Saturday:


Clearly our first preflowers are starting to wither which would be three days after spraying, for those who are keeping track. The light application has become much easier since the plant has grown larger after incorporating more oxygen into the water.

Edit: Forgot to mention the smell of the leaves from this strain (World of seeds, Northern Lights Auto x Big Bud Auto). A wonderful mix of grapefruit and other citrus fruits. Refreshing and uplifting. Can't wait to see how the buds will turn out. Plant to be seeded is growing very well now and should explode in growth after being placed in her new home next week. Can't wait to upload pics of her!
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I thought this would be interesting to share.

These pics are from the bottom of the leaves looking upward to the light.

From the bottom lit from the lamps shining through them we can see where the spray droplets of CS have effected the leaf. I have no idea what this means but it is pretty interesting.
Again, this is certainly from the spray as it is in the exact same pattern that it makes when applying. One can even see individual droplet circles of lighter color... Remember I am spraying very lightly so the tips of the leaves usually don't get anything on them. This explains why towards the center the blotching gets more pronounced.

underside 1 - Copy.jpg

underside 2 - Copy.jpg
Pretty sure this is wishful thinking... Plant currently has a total of 8 internodes. These have formed at the fith. They look like they could be male preflowers but it has only been 5 days spraying as of today. I circled the second picture and left the first unedited. I apologize for how light the pic is, it was under the lights and a difficult shot because I magnified it to the max. will have to keep my eyes on these!

male- - Copy.jpg

cricled male - Copy.jpg
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The rational side of my brain is denying that they are indeed male preflowers. Five days seems to be a very short period of time. Might as well accept it :crap: