Sauce Boss
Wow so I forgot to fill everyone in on the mini fiasco that I had with my hanna pen. I asked the roommate about the pen, when it started acting funny, ect ect. he said shortly after he left it floating in the 5 gal bucket of water. GRRR! Sometimes I wonder how people can be so brain dead. He used it like this with the default settings that it reverted back to for about 4 days. Anywho, from the time I get home and find all of this out, I let it sit out and dry for about 72 hours. I then continued to use it and it was acting funny on me. After taking about 5 min to get my readings, I would turn it off and let it continue to dry out.
It resumed normal operation after that minus the fact that it restored all factory settings. That consisted of me having to change the temps from C back to F, and the PH and PPM conversion. I wasn't aware though that there was an EC conversion, which will throw off my PPM if not set correctly. I was set at .5 conversion when it should of been at .7. Doh! That means for about 8 days following the day I left last week, I have been running about 1000ppm's, if not more. I come back, flush, put about 1000ppms more back in it! The conversion was showing me 800ppms the whole time.
If you recall, I flushed again, which was 3 days ago, and set the ppm to 550 and ec to 1.1, or so I thought, because even then it was still at .5 conversion. So this morning when I find all of this out and re calibrate the stick, I figure that I am running these now accurate #'s
PH - 5.95
EC - 1.1
PPM - 760
Water Temp - 71.2
Finally, the issue has been resolved! And best yet, I can actually see it in the bud growth already!
I am still pondering whether or not to lower the PPM's more or if the dominance of the indica can handle it at this point in growth, given they've all been beat up pretty good.
Sorry if the story is poorly constructed and dates/times/data doesn't 100% correlate, I'm kinda stoned on some hash.
It resumed normal operation after that minus the fact that it restored all factory settings. That consisted of me having to change the temps from C back to F, and the PH and PPM conversion. I wasn't aware though that there was an EC conversion, which will throw off my PPM if not set correctly. I was set at .5 conversion when it should of been at .7. Doh! That means for about 8 days following the day I left last week, I have been running about 1000ppm's, if not more. I come back, flush, put about 1000ppms more back in it! The conversion was showing me 800ppms the whole time.
If you recall, I flushed again, which was 3 days ago, and set the ppm to 550 and ec to 1.1, or so I thought, because even then it was still at .5 conversion. So this morning when I find all of this out and re calibrate the stick, I figure that I am running these now accurate #'s
PH - 5.95
EC - 1.1
PPM - 760
Water Temp - 71.2
Finally, the issue has been resolved! And best yet, I can actually see it in the bud growth already!
I am still pondering whether or not to lower the PPM's more or if the dominance of the indica can handle it at this point in growth, given they've all been beat up pretty good.
Sorry if the story is poorly constructed and dates/times/data doesn't 100% correlate, I'm kinda stoned on some hash.