dewd! Tag me in why don't ya! My porn subscription is still good, right?

.... I'm digging you going KISS brudda, and you're off to a excellent start as usual-

...growth jumps are impressive! The BS has framed up interestingly, never seen one stretch and column-up like this,.. reminds me of that G'OG from a little while back... stoked on the color! This one looks to be going deep purp's, like mine did-

Ink-dipped all the way! It's givin' me Red Family pangs

-- nothing smells quite like them...... Ahhh, Skyrone Stomper, looking forward to that too... I have some beans, but no chance to run them yet, so at least I'll get a killer preview here! That one is getting some legs too,..something in your grow formula man, you get such great branching and stretch consistently

... this will be a great grow to watch, given how your env./light parameters are dialed in so spot-on, it'll put the amendment to a cleaner test w/o the usual vagaries...
..... Always a pleasure my friend!
Komplex, Autotron, MassMom-

word man, on KS-

- they started out well recommended, and tested out well at first, but as more time and numbers testing/results added up, the faster it went upside down,... quality control issues I'd say, and as A-T mentioned, the dude didn't even stick around for the initial trial testing past a few weeks

we know he had employee issues then, but now-??... Since then, the number of peep's with issues, complaints has been pretty high,.. I've seen a lot of folks in Sick Bay using KS, usually a P and/or K defc. issues, micro's,... for the $$, it's unacceptable! ......
Komplex, it's Biotabs that Mephisto uses on the Farm,...this mix was developed by their USA associate GBD

Autotron, I'm with you on the quality, not quantity deal! ...... and in any case with such soils, I still recommend having "back-up" organic nutes on hand, especially micronutes... most of these are immobile types, so a constant low level supply needs be available for uptake,... also, a little PK boosting during bloom can fatten things up a notch or two! Not necessary usually, but it can help... larger plants, smaller pots can make for depletion issues later in the game, at the worst possible time... Just a precaution based on what I see staggering into the Infirmary on occasion!