Mephisto Genetics A-Train's Mephisto/GBD Autoflower Mix Adventures.... 2018 Limited Edition and Artisanal Strains Test

i would prefer that aswell but cannot seem to find a super soil anywhere in the uk, although like you say the individual ingredients are available and i've found subcools recipe for a super soil, going to have to 'cook' that because i want to just water my girls, thanks

Its just gonna take some trial and error my friend. Hope you find a proper method sooner rather than later.
I tried Emerald harvest CAL-MAG what a mistake as soon as I got my pro cal back man what a difference. No more emerald harvest for me. I have used General organics with success botnicare too but pro cal is a step above for a c.m. supp. I just thought I would pass that on to you A-Train
I'm glad to see you still kicking it, A-Train. I'm happy to see you moving over to the KISS method as well. Hopefully using Recharge and an enzyme product? or literally just water and cal-mag?
My old pal meefers.... good to see ya bud. Yeah i use SLF100 5ml per gal 1 time weekly with the recharge... i couldnt help myself i ordered another bottle of herculean harvest from oregons only. Its the organic 0-6-0 product i really liked in the Nectar for the Gods trial run. Ill add a little during the end of flowering but thats pretty much it.
Im using cal-magic now working out great so far
I'm assuming that your use of Cal-Magic is referring to your past nute program. Or have you needed any cal-mag treatments with this grow yet?
These have gotten a few doses of the cal magic. Its not an every day thing but being under the intense Amare panels im playing it safe.
Ah. Thanks for clarifying. I was wondering and a bit worried myself about the likely need for something to address the intense LED/COB induced need for additional calmag. To keep things organic, I'm wondering about using something like a periodic top-dressing of Roots Organics Elemental. :toke:
My old pal meefers.... good to see ya bud. Yeah i use SLF100 5ml per gal 1 time weekly with the recharge... i couldnt help myself i ordered another bottle of herculean harvest from oregons only. Its the organic 0-6-0 product i really liked in the Nectar for the Gods trial run. Ill add a little during the end of flowering but thats pretty much it.

I've been liking Demeter's Destiny, haven't used Herculean yet. It's hard to walk away from bottles entirely when you know theres easy tricks.
No smell as of yet. Actually my last one was one of the least potent smells of all the plants i have grown. Well see if this one is any different. Pics to come in a bit.,
if you guys are looking for a stinking skunk id take a look at seed stockers super skunk the one i grew out was extremely rank smelling really like nothing iv tried before not even sure i can describe the smell but if i had to imagine what a skunk smelled like it would be that plant