Lighting A-Train's DIY, Mars 1200 LED to COB !!!!!

Jan 8, 2015
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Well ladies and gentlemen as the title suggest I NEED HELP.

I have a mars 1200 and want to turn it into a cob fixture to turn on between 2 platinum LED to boost power during the flowering of my plants.

Unlike the video I was provided from you tube i will not be using the original panel... but I will be using the components...

This is where I'm at so far...

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As you can see I have the plate on bottom for mounting the cree cob lights ... I will run 4 or 5 depending on what we come up with as a team here.

Above it is the heat sink. I have made 4 stansions an 2 rails to hold the fans. I will mount 3 fans above the heat sink to cool the CREE cobs while running.

My biggest question so far is with the drivers... hers a pic of the mars driver


What I have seen in the video is each mars driver can run 2 cree cobs.

But in the fixture some of the drivers have 2 outputs ... 1 of them goes to the boards for LED and one goes to a fan.. my first question is when using the driver with 2 outputs can I run 2 cree on 1 leg and the fan on the other or is the output divided between the 2 legs of the driver?
The answer to this will determine how I set up the drivers. If I can run 2 COB lights and a fan off the drivers with 2 outputs them I can get away with on 3 drivers... but if not I have to run 6 drivers depending on g the setup maybe 7....

Any help is appreciated and if more pics are required then let me know I'll get what ever I need for ypu guys to help...

Of anyone can help it's much appreciated even if you can't but know someone that knowledgeable in this situation please tag them like this @Atulip

I promise I have PLENTY of rep to go around for any helpers in this fabrication
I know 1 thing, Cree cobs will last longer if directly mounted to the heatsink and not another piece of aluminum.... If you're not going for looks maybe that's to consider, idk if you plan on drilling and tapping, using the cob holders or if you're going the tape method?
I want it to last... I'll use holders after drilling and tapping. The plate to mount is very thin ... I didn't think of going directly to the heat sink just due to all the other hard ware I have to rig up and have to have a way to mount. I hope having 3 fans on it helps...
Hey hey hey brotha.

Doesn't it seem kinda odd that the driver lists such a wide range of VDC? I mean, 55-100vdc is a wide range lol. Then the amperage is marked over... But it appears to have said 0.7A. So if W=V x A, then each driver can handle 38 Watts - 70 Watts. The sticker also appears to say 60W. So who knows lol. If I were making an educated guess, I'd guess slightly conservatively and say it can do 50W.

I think it'd be safe to run 2 cob chips per driver. (The choice of cob chip might dictate whether to run the two chips in series or parallel?) For the fans, I think I'd put them all in series on their own driver maybe? Just bouncing some thoughts around. :d5:

While browsing the cob chips yesterday, came across this guy building diy setups.
It's quite different from what you're doing but might provide a couple ideas. :pass:
The range is the minimum-maximum voltage for a series string. I agree, 2 cobs per driver would work fine. Wire COBS in series. They can be wired in parallel but it requires more components to prevent thermal runaway. Stick with series that's what 90% of lights use.

I've never seen a driver with an out put for fans....... you should put a meter on it check voltage. Also, look for a wattage rating for the fan side.

What size are those heatsinks? What chips are you going to use? How many are you thinking to use? You may not need so many fans

Hey hey hey brotha.

Doesn't it seem kinda odd that the driver lists such a wide range of VDC? I mean, 55-100vdc is a wide range lol. Then the amperage is marked over... But it appears to have said 0.7A. So if W=V x A, then each driver can handle 38 Watts - 70 Watts. The sticker also appears to say 60W. So who knows lol. If I were making an educated guess, I'd guess slightly conservatively and say it can do 50W.

I think it'd be safe to run 2 cob chips per driver. (The choice of cob chip might dictate whether to run the two chips in series or parallel?) For the fans, I think I'd put them all in series on their own driver maybe? Just bouncing some thoughts around. :d5:

While browsing the cob chips yesterday, came across this guy building diy setups.
It's quite different from what you're doing but might provide a couple ideas. :pass: