New Grower A moron’s grow journal

Have you named her yet?!?


Since she is supposed to be a white widow, I’ll call her Charlotte.


Implementing some LST, am I doing this right? Not gonna lie, she got a little roughed up in the process, hopes she’s into that kind of thing.

Inside of this smaller starter pot is my Super Orange Haze finally poking their head above the soil.

Pure speculation, but maybe the cotyledons have stayed on due to the plant not needing them for starter fuel as the medium was already well loaded?

That’s what I’m hoping, we’ll just go with that until something goes wrong or they never fall off!
It’s almost been a week since last update. Here is how everyone is doing.


There are some weird blister like tears among various middle leaves. I was paranoid it was the work of more pests, but now I think it may have just been windburn from having my fan blow directly at the plant (as a moron does). I adjusted it and the newest growth shows no such signs of damage. Leaving the plant alone has consistently been the hardest part. Good news is the new PH meter has arrived and the EC meter is on the way.


Her cousin is doing just fine alongside, although it’s newest leaves are growing in at different rates which is kinda weird. I’m kinda weird too, so it fits in perfectly. I’ve been giving cal-mag to him and buffering the coco he’s about to call home with some as well. Speaking of which, when should I transplant this guy? I was thinking maybe Wednesday. As always, please point out anything you feel I’m overlooking.
You could transplant her whenever you wish, but it sometimes helps to let the rootball get a bit bigger first. That way it holds together when you turn it out of the pot. It's a bitch when it crumbles, can get damaged. Cheers :smokeit:
I transplant when the leaves are close to the sides of the pot. If I transplant to early, the roots are not strong enough to handle it. Yes, I have had to learn to leave my plants alone and stop "mothering" them. I like to hover and poke and do this and that. LOL
Looking good hon!

You could transplant her whenever you wish, but it sometimes helps to let the rootball get a bit bigger first. That way it holds together when you turn it out of the pot. It's a bitch when it crumbles, can get damaged. Cheers :smokeit:
I transplant when the leaves are close to the sides of the pot. If I transplant to early, the roots are not strong enough to handle it. Yes, I have had to learn to leave my plants alone and stop "mothering" them. I like to hover and poke and do this and that. LOL
Looking good hon!


Thanks for looking out, I’ll sit on my hands a bit :)
First things first, here is how Charlotte is doing currently:


I received my EC meter finally (bluelab truncheon stick). I measured the big 5 gallon bucket of nutrient mixture I’ve been giving her the last week and a half and it’s ~550 ppm (TDS). Then I measure the runoff coming out after I water and it’s fast lay blinking as high as it goes which I’m assuming means beyond the capabilities of what it can measure (and much higher than it should be). I read increasing the number of times I water can help, so I’ve bumped up to 2 cups of that aforementioned nutrient water every 12 hours. I think I’m also going to start diluting it to 1/4 strength as per also recommendations I’ve read.

Is this plant showing signs of concern outside of these readings however? I’m all about doing this right now that I have the tools and hopefully a little guidance from some experts on here, however I don’t want to be chasing my tail making problems out of nothing, so you tell me which this is. I’m afraid the answer is going to be all the junk I started off with is going to blow up in my face the longer it goes.

All I do know is this plant will deserve a medal if it makes it through this.

Edit: Day 25
I'm no expert but it looks to me like your plant is fine it looks sturdy as hell. I don't see anything wrong with your plans either. I would say carry on 25 days and it's still standing looking good.

Here is the little guy almost 24 hr. post transplant. He’s on day 11 I believe. Still trying to get my run off reasonable, but at this point it feels like a fool’s errand, something is causing it to read high but the plants seem to be doing okay.
Looks good. You don’t really seem like a moron to me though.

Chasing runoff can be an exercise in futility, as long as the plant looks healthy up top you’re usually ok. Likely some nute buildup at the bottom of the pot If you feel like it’s getting out of hand, I will usually water with a very low dose of nutrients to around 30% runoff and immediately vacuum it out of the saucer/dump the water.
Looks good. You don’t really seem like a moron to me though.

Chasing runoff can be an exercise in futility, as long as the plant looks healthy up top you’re usually ok. Likely some nute buildup at the bottom of the pot If you feel like it’s getting out of hand, I will usually water with a very low dose of nutrients to around 30% runoff and immediately vacuum it out of the saucer/dump the water.

Yeah I was letting the fabric pots sitting in the saucer for the start, just recently drilled some holes and set up a cobbled together drain system. I think it just built up a lot of salts on the bottom of the pot during that time that aren't coming out. Next time I'll do better with what I know.