Indoor A 2x4 And Nothing More

Aug 17, 2024
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Currently Smoking
The Feds got me locked down
I have been lurking here for years picking up information to help me grow top shelf herb and just joined yesterday. I grew a few Photos back in the late 80’s and have been regularly growing Autos since 2020 to present. I’m looking forward to contributing my grow style that veteran and new folks here may find helpful.

TENT - Gorilla Grow 2x4x6’11”.

LIGHTS - Atreum Hydra 3200 : SF 1000.

VENTILATION - AC Infinity Cloudline 4”.


POTS - 7 Gallon Plastic.

MEDIUM - Roots Organic Original with Perlite and Biochar added.

NUTRIENTS - Craft Blend, Flower Girl, BuildABloom, EWC, Insect Frass, Ground Eggshells, Recharge.

WATER - Costco : PH 6.2 PPM 120.

I follow the Autoflower DLI and VPD charts as closely as the lung room environment allows.

I only grow two plants from seed to finish.
On deck this round is MEPHISTO Old School Mango Haze and Mango Smile. Soil is incorporated with dry amendments, loaded into pots and pre watered with six ounces of water in the center. Seeds are then soaked in shot glasses and placed on a heat mat set at 76 Fahrenheit for 24 hours. They are then wrapped in wet paper towels and placed back on the heat mat until tails emerge 1/3”. At this point they are placed in 7 gal containers and clear cups placed over to retain high humidity. When the babies break soil the cups are removed, a fan is turned on low and the fun begins.


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:pop: Best of luck!
Just a word of advise, go easy on the OSMH, I started it on my normal feed schedule with the others and it did NOT like it. Read their description on the website and followed that to fix it, seemed happier after that.
Day 4 and it looks like OSMH is a runt.
When she cracked out of the seed the Cotyledon emerged instead of the root tip which was attached to the seed. The seed came off the root easily and showed no visible damage but I believe this might be the cause.
I’m on a tight schedule and be dropping a replacement faster finishing bean tonight.