Fast Buds 6 Different Strains, 3 Gallon Pots, 1,000 Watts

Yes sir Troon IPM is an Organic technique. Integrated Pest Management is an ecological theory of combating pests by building a strong environment and through utilizing natural amendments and oils, ect. to prevent and treat pests. It's based on understanding the environments we farm in and utilizing their natural abilities to resist pests. For instance by feeding certain enzymes or providing certain natural occurring compounds in herbs, bacteria and or fungi that consume or prevent insect larvae in soil can be fed and promoted as a natural management element. IPM is used in nearly all organic farming and is used in conv. farming also but with chemical pesticides as a step that we organic farmers exclude.

If you've never heard of Clackamass Coot and his methods of growing then Google him. BuildASoil is a great place for info and organic farm products. Check out these links and go from there.

And about Agsil 16h, click the extra info tab on right side of main page for good writing in silicas.

A very basic but very effective method and great reading with links to teas and the likes. Also get fermented and botanical tea info and recipes by email. Read this entire page and it will bring you great knowledge on organic cannabis farming.

And to get more complicated yet with world class medicinal results check out this method.

These methods truelly due produce the best tasting cleanist hitting and super dank organic weed possible. I and many very good organic cannabis growers fallow very similar recipes.

Do a little research ounce you have read all of the above Troon and I think you may find yet another change in your farming style in the future. The initial inveztment in living soils is higher than conventional or semi organic but you use your soil forever and it only gets better with time. Also it's fully organic and sustainable. And you feed your soil organisms and not your plants directly so you early deal with nutrient issues caused buy mixing pre made products.

As for your old soil outside, if it wasn't used with chemicals you could make a vermipost(great schematics all over net) and let the worms reprosses it as to use again as top dressing or in teas. If used with Chems I'd say put small amounts in bags in trash over the long haul until it's gone.

Was unable to spray my IPM mix last night so am off to do that now. I have afew fungus gnats which have been expected as I'm just getting my soil life going strong this first run. After three runs the soil organisms seem to become very well established and adding worms and growing cover crops completes the habitat. Once this equilibrium is met and an IPM type system is routine the typical pest problems that hanker many growers are rare.

Be Well Troon
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And once again from Jeremy - don't buy this just make one like it. Im going to build one like it soon. I'm lucky enough to have just moved to a 58 acre place that is sweet. Thus most of my composting and isolated vermipost will be outside. Inside project is for kids learning and dad's garden.
Hope your girls are keepn well. Mine are doing good. I'll take some pics again soon. Sure are grown fast. Can't wait to see yours stretch and I'm doing for your GSC. Mine was a little slow from day 6 to 10 compared to Stardawg and Tangie but is now beautiful.

Autos are intriguing. Im curious to see what type of potency they heve. My buddies runs a lab so I'll be testing the plants soon for potential and then afew times in flower to understand light penitration and test uv results. my crew and I blaze heavy. I smoke Co2 oil all-day at 64 - 80%. Killer shit. I love flower but definitely the future of cannabis trade will be in the concentrate Vapes and anything organic will be at the top the specialty market.
And before someone asks, no I don't work for or with the buildasoil dudes. I have used and purchased many products from them and BS'd on the phone with them. We share the same knowledge and philosophy on spreading the organic living soils theory openly so people can grow themselves quality medacine or drugs depending on your view. Old school organic farmers of my style are just more recently putting forth knowledge over the web and through the youth.

Wisdom is a beautiful thing but with out youth to use it on we are nothing.

On fungus gnats the old potatoes trick came to mind late last night. Adult fungus gnats are annoying but the larvae are what well damage the roots by eating root hairs. To check for them or catch and remove, cut a potatoes in chunks and put on to of soil cut side down. In a few days if larvae are present they will have eaten into potato and you'll see evidence of this.ntoss potatoes and replenish until gone. Also enzyme tea waterings help as the enzymes breakdown organics in soils that gnat larvae feed on.

Enjoy your day
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Ive heard of coots, well respected . organic is a great way to go but takes some research . there are some good organic growers here. eye on fire is one, makes his own soils too.

Looking good troon :thumbsup:
Glad to hear your finishing your room troon. And to answer your original question my new lights info can be found here.

As you'll see there 400 true watts made to replace a 600. With controller and ability to link hundreds together. I was fortunate enough to get in on a great deal that I don't see out there any more. I got 2 lights and controller for under $1600. Sold my bad ass Minelab metal detector for a cool 2 bills and re invested it as far as I'm concerned. Crazy spend though.

Thanks for the likes every one

And glad to hear there are fellow organic growers and thanks for pointing me to eye on fire Dudeski

I'm going to introduce myself to the community soon just super busy

Smoke the Ganja Man!!!
Nearly forgot to show you an up to date photo of my biggest girl,ill share more soon. And yup there's some pistils shown

Day 19 StarDawg

And a quick shot of the entire garden aged 19,18,17 and a wee baby NlxBig Bud in the seemingly empty pot
Raised my lights today about to promote more stretch and once more girls throw there skirts open I'll shift my spectrums
Introduced myself on the forum and may update some type of journal in the future. Thanks for share your thread and grow with me troon. I'll quit high trading your journal man. Haha.

Until next time may your plants grow potent and sweet!
Introduced myself on the forum and may update some type of journal in the future. Thanks for share your thread and grow with me troon. I'll quit high trading your journal man. Haha.

Until next time may your plants grow potent and sweet!
Nah man you're good! I don't mind at all! In fact I like conversation with other members because I always learn something new!! I've just been busy, need more material to finish the room :( but I will be happy when I can finally use it. Plants are thirsty and look like they need some nitrogen. The pH should be fine but I have some purple stems? I've been pHing my water every water since they were established.