Day 33 - 5th Week of Flowering

Coco coir - 880ppm/5.9 ph

Jack's FeED 5-12-26/Growpito enzymes and microbes

73-84f Leaf Surface Temp

60-65% RH

32762~lux/720~ PPFD 3000k Average

4" Light Height


Not much going on but they look like they are going to be dense and fat.


CobsCocoDTWMxPScrog Watch Me Mess Up

The Growpito sim has a lot of water retention and the first time I used it over waterered with a drip system. They recommended ebb and flow and after learning about ebb and flow, I came to conclusion that it uses less water and by allowing a dry back Rockwool allows more oxygen to the roots. From what I've read, the upper roots take in oxygen while the lower roots take in nutrients, so what you flood and drain it causes oxygen to be pulled into the Rockwool and as it dries more oxygen is pulled in.

I read about the mapito but from what I understand it is not reusable as the fibers will break down whereas I've let Growpito sit in water for 6 months and reclaimed over 98% of the medium and that is what I transplanted the clones into.

I am using around 20 gallons a week right now whereas with a recirculation system and depending on how much I feel I need to change my res, I could use less water and with microbes and beneficials added in to aid nutrient uptake and a lot more I could see my nutrient usage declining.

Commercial tomato growers pretty much only use Rockwool and as much as I like coco, I'm using a lot of water and nutrients whereas I believe Rockwool would lower my usage of both.

I'm not saying I have some growing truth but I'll see when I get my ebb and flow set up. These are just my observations from researching ebb and flow, Rockwool, and water conservation growing.

CobsCocoDTWMxPScrog Watch Me Mess Up
Day 35 - 6th Week of Flowering

Coco coir - 880ppm/5.4 ph

Jack's FeED 5-12-26/Growpito enzymes and microbes

73-84f Leaf Surface Temp

60-65% RH

32762~lux/720~ PPFD 3000k Average

4" Light Height


Getting more frost and #1/2 are starting to develop frost. I super cropped the 4 in buckets because I have a 6-8 week veg and I want more colas than a room full of sugar amped toddlers. Mothers are doing fine, I haven't been paying attention to them.

For some fun, I found out you can graft multiple strains to a mother plant. Just mark them.

CobsCocoDTWMxPScrog Watch Me Mess Up

The Growpito sim has a lot of water retention and the first time I used it over waterered with a drip system. They recommended ebb and flow and after learning about ebb and flow, I came to conclusion that it uses less water and by allowing a dry back Rockwool allows more oxygen to the roots. From what I've read, the upper roots take in oxygen while the lower roots take in nutrients, so what you flood and drain it causes oxygen to be pulled into the Rockwool and as it dries more oxygen is pulled in.

I read about the mapito but from what I understand it is not reusable as the fibers will break down whereas I've let Growpito sit in water for 6 months and reclaimed over 98% of the medium and that is what I transplanted the clones into.

I am using around 20 gallons a week right now whereas with a recirculation system and depending on how much I feel I need to change my res, I could use less water and with microbes and beneficials added in to aid nutrient uptake and a lot more I could see my nutrient usage declining.

Commercial tomato growers pretty much only use Rockwool and as much as I like coco, I'm using a lot of water and nutrients whereas I believe Rockwool would lower my usage of both.

I'm not saying I have some growing truth but I'll see when I get my ebb and flow set up. These are just my observations from researching ebb and flow, Rockwool, and water conservation growing.

CobsCocoDTWMxPScrog Watch Me Mess Up

Fair enough, your reasoning makes sense, perhaps the capillary failing with Mapito was I used it in XL autopots, they are some 40 cm high, and its perfectly reusable, ran mine for 5-6 runs, still has it in a big bad in the shed lol. I look forward to see how the stuff you're using performs.
Personally I don't give my roots time to go look for water, think real hydro, those roots spend ALL their time growing, not looking for water and the results are considerable in experienced hands.
The netpots I use works like Airpots, I have every confidence in my oxygen levels and after having tried most pots and grow systems, filling a tray with 30-40 l of feed every few days or so seems to be the most high-tech and efficient system I've yet stumbled upon, at least with my grow setup and conditions of

I did like the Aqua/Water-Farm pots, very efficient, but their and airpump involved, hoses and cables, and that's rather low tech me thinks hahaha

I tried beneficial too, White Shark/Orca and stopped that too because it was expensive and there was not a difference to be seen between those with and without. I believe its a matter of faith rather than actually moving any mountains.

Plants looking good, spot on man :toke:

Btw the A5 Haze is back in stock, so there's 5 on the way that I'll be running as soon as they're in my mitts, plus some Malawi and Nepal Jam for laters lol

Here's a current vegging toddler tray with a goulash brewing, some mothers, some amnesia, some auto's, some NL x Haze, some will move to flowering soon, the 6 auto's will remain as is lol
Hmm, pics won't upload or something, strange, says file to large to process, maybe a good omen hahaha :crying:
So now we need to rescale pics to post them, this is not user friendly at all lol

I was using expanded clay in big trays over 20 years ago and I remember just throwing half of it away after a massive grow just 'cause I couldn't be bothered with the cleaning of them. Cut to today and I have completely reappraised my take on expanded clay. I know that they could get a bit exy for a big grow, but it may be worthwhile you doing a test on a few plants for the following reasons...

1. Mainly what changed the most was that I have now realised that I can shake the plant over a bath with enough water and I can recover every single pellet. I was shocked at how easy it was, because they float, you just agitate them around which is sort of fun in it's own right because it's like those black plastic dam balls.

It's looks like the bath is full of them but it's just the first few inches. All clean with virtually no work, then a large size net pot scoops them up like a blue whale vacuuming krill. OK so totally reusable and easily cleanable that's one offset against the price.

2. OK now I'm just repeating what I've read and what makes sense to me to my own experiences and it appears that it's virtually impossible for this substrate to become blocked much less over watered. And if you look at my last grow it can be seen how airy and loose and fine the roots were in the middle. I heard that their bitey surface it excellent for aeration and root development. It allow large spaces all through. So it also drags through air.

3. Handling, if you want to have the entire stem angled a different way you just pull it over. Easy to fill to an exact amount. Completely inert, and pretty to look at.
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So now we need to rescale pics to post them, this is not user friendly at all lol

Yeah I'd like to know what the secret knowledge is so that the site does not rescale the photos and make them all fuzzy. I'm happy to do them at the pixel resolution they want but it seems that it's still redone and blurred. It's a little bit frustrating when you want to do close detailed stuff. If there is no way to do it then I may have to put some better res stuff on to which is very cool because you get the code for thumbnails that link to full size, or the code to insert full size directly and they'll rescale on the fly if you want unlike the complete turds at photo bucket which I've never used but nevertheless had endless threads with photos I needed to see that were suddenly locked under ransom.

It's free and easy with no bullshit, however I'd still prefer to keep all the files on this server.
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