Indoor 420Fastbuds Original Skunk Auto, Dinafem Auto Cheese XXL, Zambeza Blueberry with new lights

Dang dude I was reallllllllllly hoping you would get there. I would have to go back so i will just be lazy and ask. Do you use cO2? For some reason I am thinkin you do already
No, I have all of the stuff to run Co² but it is not worth the time and effort in my space. It heats up too fast with the exhaust fan off and has to cycle the air too often to keep the temp down.
No, I have all of the stuff to run Co² but it is not worth the time and effort in my space. It heats up too fast with the exhaust fan off and has to cycle the air too often to keep the temp down.
Gotcha, I mean I run mine with cO2 at between 95-100F they THRIVE in the higher temps.
Gotcha, I mean I run mine with cO2 at between 95-100F they THRIVE in the higher temps.
You have to remember I live in the desert daytime temps will be over 100° for the next 10 or more days and it only takes 15 or 20 minutes to reach 105°F in the tent and just keeps climbing in the summer. The times I have used it to the best of my ability I did not see a yield increase that even pays for it. Except for that crazy pheno plant on this last run I would have yielded about 36 ounces in 24 Sq Ft. It is way more than I need for myself so I just don't have a driving need to increase the volume.
You have to remember I live in the desert daytime temps will be over 100° for the next 10 or more days and it only takes 15 or 20 minutes to reach 105°F in the tent and just keeps climbing in the summer. The times I have used it to the best of my ability I did not see a yield increase that even pays for it. Except for that crazy pheno plant on this last run I would have yielded about 36 ounces in 24 Sq Ft. It is way more than I need for myself so I just don't have a driving need to increase the volume.
Gotcha. Did not realize temps soared that much where you are. And heck yeah If you are producing all you need that’s the goal, and it’s not like you can do a whole lot better. Your plants are always fire af.
I am also trying to get somewhere around 6-750 gs per square meter. My large LAG4000 run was around 375 I think, so I am lookin to double it eventually. Having a full run of genetics that i have run before will def help.
Because everything I am doing is eventually goin to be tryin to compete with photoperiod commercial grows as a process.

so my thoughts are this, if takes a photoperiod 3-4months to go through a full cycle And it takes me aprox 2 months that’s anywhere from 1.5 to 2X faster.
So given a square meter for 1.5-2 cycles vs 1 I think the per square meter you get with autos, should actually be doubled(ish)when compared to a square meter for a photoperiod. It’s basically taking the time factor into the g per sq meter equation.
Does this make any sense at all lmao.
I guess what I am sayin is that I can produce 375 grams per square meter in two months and 750 over 4 months. And from everything I have ever seen as far as photoperiod gs per sm 600 seems to be where they top out. Am I off base with this, it could def be the case cause I haven’t looked for photoperiod beans in almost 10 years
Drum roll please The Zambeza Blueberry comes in at 175g and the 420FastBuds Original Skunk Auto at 189.4

I am curing it in Grove Bags.

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I still have 3 plants to trim and get in for cure.
Thats some nice packaging.that for sale?.haha work bro keep doing what ur doing.most importantly enjoy the fruits or ur labour.happy growing every1;)
I guess what I am sayin is that I can produce 375 grams per square meter in two months and 750 over 4 months. And from everything I have ever seen as far as photoperiod gs per sm 600 seems to be where they top out. Am I off base with this, it could def be the case cause I haven’t looked for photoperiod beans in almost 10 years
Using that logic I can grow 2500 g/M² :crying: As far as g/M² is concerned it is for a single grow. Your yearly Yield is much higher with autos than photos. I can complete 5 auto grows in one year for a theoretical 180 ounces. All Photos would be 3 grows and maybe 120 ounces.

I grow photos in the summer because they handle the heat better (although new auto strains may do just as well). The main reason is the lights only run mostly 12 hours, six hours less than autos. This helps me big time in the heat control battle. I run the lights reversed from the actual day so the lights run when it is cooler at night.

The other thing is all of the more pure genetics are found in photos.
