Mephisto Genetics 420 Mephisto Grow Off: MAN BEAR ALIEN PIG EDITION

Ok I'm officially out of the grow off gang was cleaning out my space yesterday Sunday is big clean day and had the dog out back so as I had everything out of the tent and miss piggy was the last one out my dog just pops his head in the shed and gives me that look like I'm just about to fuck shit up so before I could close the door he jumped on me and landed on miss piggy the heat had him on a mad one he was like a kangaroo was a little upset at him till he gave me his I'm sorry look it's just annoying as she was just getting back from her slap and was loving the grow off ah well I have plenty more hope you all do amazing lads will be still popping in to see how it's all going ( poor miss piggy had a hard life ) my brother going to pop over later and take her off my hands I'll put up a picture after work happy growing everyone
That's a shame man!

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I think I am out too...

Lots of stress for this shemale but learned a lot about DWC :shrug:

MBAP Hermie-1840-2.jpg
It is most likely my fault. Had some issues in DWC due to beginner mistakes and recently transplanted into soil
She is isolated in her own room now and will continue to grow. Guess I will be the guy that tests how much abuse she can really take LOL

Lol Mephisto might just like that don't be so hard on yourself it was defo al gore I'm super cereal it was him
thats the damage from snorbits so going to let her go she was only half a plant so can't be growing half a half [emoji848] good luck to you all it was emotional
Tape her up and she will pull through. I have had plants broken way worse and still come through after a good tape job