Mephisto Genetics 420 Mephisto Grow Off: MAN BEAR ALIEN PIG EDITION

A close up, liking the early frost.

@derek420colorado yeah man, it would be hard to tell what stinks in your place! I assume it all does! Just wonderfully dank sweetness woofting out!
Yep lol. When I walk up now I can smell it from about 10 feet from the door outside. : ) and they majority of them are just now really getting into flower so it's just going to keep getting stinkier
Ok I'm officially out of the grow off gang was cleaning out my space yesterday Sunday is big clean day and had the dog out back so as I had everything out of the tent and miss piggy was the last one out my dog just pops his head in the shed and gives me that look like I'm just about to fuck shit up so before I could close the door he jumped on me and landed on miss piggy the heat had him on a mad one he was like a kangaroo was a little upset at him till he gave me his I'm sorry look it's just annoying as she was just getting back from her slap and was loving the grow off ah well I have plenty more hope you all do amazing lads will be still popping in to see how it's all going ( poor miss piggy had a hard life ) my brother going to pop over later and take her off my hands I'll put up a picture after work happy growing everyone