Indoor 400w MI5 grow/seed run + photo OG Kush lst

  • Thread starter Thread starter Afrikaaner
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Before you mentioned too much water, that is what i was going to ask about. How strong was your lost feeding?

They don't look bad or anything though.
no they look pretty good... maybe mag or phospho def?

whats your soil ph and what water ph are you using?

---------- Post added 11-02-2011 at 11:38 PM ----------

all the feeding watering data you can give us...
im not 100% sure about the soil ph, my setup makes collecting runoff tough, but i've been phing the water between 6.2 and 6.8. i'm actually leaning towards a bit of nitrogen overdose. i will perhaps give it another watering of pure water next time and the following feed pure flower nutes, no veg mixed in.

i was using around half strength foxfarm nutes. i used 2/3 flowering nutes, 1/3 veg nutes the previous feeding, followed now by pure water. i will wait and see how the new growth looks and feed accordingly.
ok... when you get a chance, check your ph runoff... you need to know you're not getting a buildup / ph change lockout... your feed sched sounds ok...

heres a chart why:

ph vs uptake.gifph vs uptake 2.jpg

Yea, I've seen those charts so many time I should have them memorized, but this morning after just watering them, the leaves have straightened up very noticeably, and I saw some other places describing this as a fairly common result of juuust reaching the peak of their feeding ability (too much nitrogen), and going beyond this risks nuts burn. So I'll check out how they look in a few days and see if I should water or feed lightly. I'll also try to ph the runoff.
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i thought today was day 30, but i just counted, today is in fact day 31! I'm still very nervous that they will pop balls, so i decided that i will use imgur to host a few full resolution images so you guys can play "spot the nuts" on a few plants on which the growth pattern seems to have changed a bit, and i'm most worried about (the new growth tips are sticking up instead of remaining wrapped in the new leaves which was indicative of nanners). so here they are, 31 days old:

family shot (i keep having to sit back further to fit them all :D):



now tell me if you see any male bits:

oh and i guess whoever correctly identifies balls/hermaphrodites will get a +rep from me hehe

cheers! :peace:

ps. how can i post a full res image inline in a post?
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oooh i dont know jm! in the pic it looks rather nutty, and you had me believing, but on the plant (i just quadruple checked), i think it's actually an immature leaf and in the photo it's just a funny angle. but if you're right, you get the grand prize (i hope you lose haha).
watered today with about 3/4 strength flowering nutes. still giving my Holy Grail 69 pure water. i'm planning on gifting the mi5 i almost killed (and is still in a party cup flowering) to a buddy when i visit him this upcoming weekend. still no balls which is of course excellent news!


my favorite cola so far

one of the original slow ladies. i think they'll all end up just fine