sorry about the hiatus, i've been a bit busy travelling the atlantic northeast the past couple weeks, and right now i'm still recovering from my stupendous three days of thanksgiving feasts hehe and finally had the chance this morning to snap some pics and upload them (including a few from last week). but the whole being busy thing was great for distracting me from the seemingly interminable flowering period
i have been feeding the past 2 weeks i think nearly full strength, they were suffering from that calcium deficiency which i think i finally took care of (haven't seen any more damage forming) with 1 soil feeding and 1 foliar feeding (several days after the soil feeding after more damage was forming) of Cal Mag.
I think i caused more damage giving the soil feeding of cal mag because i foolishly mixed it with regular flowering nutes (at a slightly lower strength), but i think i read somewhere that mixing cal-mag with regular nutes might cause precipitates to form which are of no use to the plant. so who knows, but like i said i think i've got that sorted out. anyway, with about 2.5 weeks left, I started giving them just water yesterday, and i'm thinking of blowing cool air from the outside into my closet to try and purple these ladies up, but we'll have to see how much i can handle as well, seeing as i sleep in the same room hehe.
they are still pushing some new growth, almost exclusively at the very tips of the flowers, but some other random places too. i kinda hope i get some foxtailing, but it doesn't look like i will.
anyway, here's what i assume you all came for...
these are from the 21th (the last day of week 6, day 42)
and from today (day 54, end of week 7)
this is that super short chunky MI5 (number 1, or the top left in the family photo):
i lol'd at the inefficiency of the way this leaf grew:
this is the one i thought looked more sativa like (number 6 or the bottom left of the family photo):
this is some of the "popcorn bud" on the lower branches
this is number 2. whole plant looks like one big cola: