Mephisto Genetics 3BOG - Grow Dots/Recharge/Tap Water

With her already in a smaller pot and being a shorter strain I'm just going to leave it alone as well. Doing some leaf tucking but that'll be it. And yeahhh that good to hear. I have a soft spot for some true OG stink so I always try to look out for some real OG.

Thanks man! I was actually looking at it myself and was a bit surprised. She's already been showing sex for 4-5 days which I was not expecting. Guess it'll be a quicker one!
same showed sex fast. Im really bad at keeping track of how old mine are but i bet she didnt go over 70 days.
Day 24:

The 3BOG is doing extremely well! Been drinking a ton, having to water twice a day most days. Starting to stretch out some. Beautiful little plant so far. Still doing minor leaf tucking. I went ahead and removed some lower leaves and nodes as well. Thanks for stopping by!
Day 24:

The 3BOG is doing extremely well! Been drinking a ton, having to water twice a day most days. Starting to stretch out some. Beautiful little plant so far. Still doing minor leaf tucking. I went ahead and removed some lower leaves and nodes as well. Thanks for stopping by!View attachment 1482681
And shes off to the races
Day 29:

The 3BOG is doing very well! I'm still having to water twice a day, about a liter each time. Other than water just recharge once a week so far! Might have to do another defoliation session here soon. Also started to get 2 hours a day of the agromax pure UV light. Has been getting that the past few days and it seems to like it so far. Not much else to report! Thanks for stopping by.
Day 33:

The 3BOG is doing very well! The UV was a bit close and on too long and caused some yellowing up top. It was raised up and set to 2 x 15 min sessions separated by 2 hours so 30 mins total a day. It's guzzling down the water. Don't feel like I was getting enough saturation so I am bottom watering now through a dish. I just pour it in there and let it soak it up for 15-20 mins, if it runs out I refill and give it a bit longer. Based on today it seems to be retaining water more and the plant loves it so I will keep doing it this way. Still just water and recharge once a week!
Day 37:

The 3BOG is showing some signs of zinc deficiency same as @CannabisMingus plant. I am of a similar mindset that it's excess P. Not too bad overall and the plant seems to be growing out of it despite that. Thinking a lower doseage next time should do it. Be curious to see how my Ogreberry does as it has 20g/gallon of grow dots instead of the 25g here. The bottom watering has been working out well for the smaller pots so I'll continue to do it like that
My leafs showed deficiencies in flower also. Nothing I could do about it. They grew fine regardless.
It seemed to have progressed to a point and stopped and hasn't really affected the plant much since so I'm pretty good with it so far. Will try the medium 10g/gal dose next time to see how it does. I think that initial P release is just a little high.
I got two with the grow dots. The one Ogreberry took well to it. The other bourbon berry Not so much its really dark green and small. I dont know if its just a stout little plant or the grow dots gave them to much n and stunted it. Cause my other ones that dont have grow dots are 3 times the size and a good green. Ill take some pics tonight to show you what I mean.
Heres a pic of what im talking about. All these are plants popped the same day. There 15 days old today. one of the big ones has dyno the other great white. Kinda doing a side by side to see. But they are blowing the grow dots out the water. Imo.

bottom center is the bourbon berry in grow dots.