Mephisto Genetics 3BOG - Grow Dots/Recharge/Tap Water

@DankDoctor420 has had good success and his recommendation is what got me to ultimately give this a try.
Recharge once a week. I added a 75 gram single pack for each 3 gallon grow bag. $7.95 to feed a plant a whole cycle with watering only and giving recharge once a week. Scotty the owner and creator of grow dots recommend using coco or I think peat but i used biobizz light mix soil and it worked for me. Had to pull at least 3 lbs in my 8x4 tent with 12 autos. I am still drying 7 plants so not sure exact weight yet but im guessing around 3lbs. But I had the easiest grow of my life. Not mixing nutes all the time was very nice. Im a lazy grower tho. I like to keep it simple. They upgraded the new formula of grow dots to try to fix any problems they were having with the original first dots. if i remember right they might of added more calcium. Theres a great 2 hour video on youtube about them.
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Hello Everyone! I have been meaning to test out a way to do grows with tap water only and decided to give Grow Dots a try. Based on the creater of the stuff you can use this and recharge and you will produce great plants. And even just using tap water! I love using recharge in my current grows so I have high hopes for the dots. Current setup for this grow:

1 Gallon Rain Science bag
Biobizz light mix
Grow Dots
Tap water
BP1000 grow light(cheapy)

I'm trying to keep this to a tap water only grow from start to finish with a weekly dose of recharge. Keeping it as simple as possible.
So what I've done so far:
Filled the bag so I knew how much soil I needed and measured out 15g of grow dots per the instructions
View attachment 1469039

Next I dumped it all into my tray and mixed it up
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After that it was just putting it all back into the pot
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Once that was done I mixed up some recharge at 1/2 tsp per gallon and watered the pot with about 15 ounces.
I then placed it into it's spot in the tent to climatize for the 3BOG. And that's it! Hoping that's all the work I have for this grow.
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Speaking of... I have a bean that should be showing here shortly. I placed it into a jiffy pellet, it's already germed when I checked on it so hoping it pops in the next day or two.View attachment 1469045

I will keep you all updated on any action. Fingers crossed this goes well and is an easy grow.
Good luck. I used 75 grams in each of my 3 gal fabric pots. Maybe top dress another 10 grams since you used 15 grams already. And if your top feeding when watering there is no need to mix the dots in the soil. You can mix them of course but you dont have too if your top watering. They used jawbreaker candy technology so water slowly breaks the dots down throughout the grow and releases nutrients so you can just add them on top of the soil or you can mix them in also like you did. Do not water til run off when using the dots or you can be removing the nutrients needed from your soil.
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Well I didnt put nearly enough in my soil. Ill have to top dress per @DankDoctor420 and what he said but I got the pot all ready to plant a seed in it tomorrow
Recharge once a week. I added a 75 gram single pack for each 3 gallon grow bag. $7.95 to feed a plant a whole cycle with watering only and giving recharge once a week. Scotty the owner and creator of grow dots recommend using coco or I think peat but i used biobizz light mix soil and it worked for me. Had to pull at least 3 lbs in my 8x4 tent with 12 autos. I am still drying 7 plants so not sure exact weight yet but im guessing around 3lbs. But I had the easiest grow of my life. Not mixing nutes all the time was very nice. Im a lazy grower tho. I like to keep it simple. They upgraded the new formula of grow dots to try to fix any problems they were having with the original first dots. if i remember right they might of added more calcium. Theres a great 2 hour video on youtube about them.

Yeah I watched this the other day, tons of great info! Definitely watch it anyone if you haven't and are considering this, appreciate the link! I'm hoping the 15g directions on the bag work but I may just add in 10g extra to the top like you said. Super excited to get started, if this ends up being a tap water only grow and works out I don't see any downsides.
Hey guys I had a quick question I wanted to run by you. In the video above the owner says you don't have to pH your water. But I found this on their website about it

I can pH my water if need be, but I wanted to keep this simple. My tap comes out at 7.8ph and around 300ppms, so high in both respects. I have a few options I can do. Straight tap as originally planned, RO water, or either one but I pH it. What would you choose?
Hey guys I had a quick question I wanted to run by you. In the video above the owner says you don't have to pH your water. But I found this on their website about it View attachment 1469322

I can pH my water if need be, but I wanted to keep this simple. My tap comes out at 7.8ph and around 300ppms, so high in both respects. I have a few options I can do. Straight tap as originally planned, RO water, or either one but I pH it. What would you choose?
I always ph from habit of growing in hydro, coco, and soil with nutrients. I use recharge too but have always kept ph in range cuz I feel its better to be safe than sorry. If you keep ph in range at all times you shouldnt have to worry about ph lock out. So if you have a defiency its easy to rule out that the ph being off is not the cause. That is why I check and adjust ph if needed. Ive always been afraid to not check it. Thats just me. Other growers have had success without adjusting or checking. The recharge is supposed to help plants absord nutrients between 5 and 7 ph (a wider range)
I always ph from habit of growing in hydro, coco, and soil with nutrients. I use recharge too but have always kept ph in range cuz I feel its better to be safe than sorry. If you keep ph in range at all times you shouldnt have to worry about ph lock out. So if you have a defiency its easy to rule out that the ph being off is not the cause. That is why I check and adjust ph if needed. Ive always been afraid to not check it. Thats just me. Other growers have had success without adjusting or checking. The recharge is supposed to help plants absord nutrients between 5 and 7 ph (a wider range)
Okay yeah see I'm in the same boat of being a bit afraid not to check it, so I think I'll just change gears a tad and use my pH'd RO water
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Okay yeah see I'm in the same boat of being a bit afraid not to check it, so I think I'll just change gears a tad and use my pH'd RO water
That ro water may cause calcium problems. When using ro water if you get a calcium or magnesium defiency you may have to pick up some calmag to add to the ro water. I wouldnt worry about adding it if no problems arise. But it may come in handy to have a bottle around in case. I Advanced Nutrients calmag now if needed but ive used General Hydroponics version in the past also.
That ro water may cause calcium problems. When using ro water if you get a calcium or magnesium defiency you may have to pick up some calmag to add to the ro water. I wouldnt worry about adding it if no problems arise. But it may come in handy to have a bottle around in case. I Advanced Nutrients calmag now if needed but ive used General Hydroponics version in the past also.
Yeah I usually prep my RO with 50ppms of calimagic and some yucca so I should be alright I believe.

But in the heart of the test I decided I'll just use regular tap water that I pH right before I water. That's as easy as I can think to make it and keep with the theme of the grow.
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