Grow Mediums 3 Bubba Kush Autos, 1 Early Miss Auto in 15L Autopots. 4th run with Autopots but still very new

I raised the light up 4” so we will see if that helps. The oscillating fan in the back and is on low but maybe it stops it’s rotation on her? I’ll check that out. They might be a bit stressed out from the 24hr lights on too. I’ll kick the light schedule to include a dark period starting tomorrow. Never had this issue prior. Thanks again.
I've always felt plants love a bit of dark remember were replicating outdoors as me i go 18/6 from start to finish and also it's saving you some electric that's just my opinion bro also its great to have you here on afn
Day 22:
Set the temps a bit lower at 24 and raised the lights 4”
Big RH swing at 38-55. Also realized that my oscillation fan was off for some reason :confused1:.
res PH a tiny bit lower at 5.6 Ish. I need to get a good PH pen. All my experience prior is with the liquid PH test kit and I rely on the colour spectrum. My local hydro store said all the”old timers” don’t use the pens but I think it would be a good investment. Blue labs is the one I am leaning towards. I did some leaf tucking and LST today to the 4 larger girls. Before and after below

I think the bubba on the top left is hungrier than the others. Will do a top feed (till runoff) maybe tomorrow but probably Tuesday. See how they are tomorrow I guess. Also adjusted my lights so that tomorrow, and beyond, they will get some rest from the light.
Day 23:
Girls rebounded overnight and looked like they took the LST well. There is some leaf twist so I’m thinking the PH variance was the cause. The res was done yesterday and today I did a top feed with 1/4 strength remo week 2. Exact formula in three gallons as the res on the last feed (minus the drip clean). Ph was right around 6ish. Fed to10-15% run off this time. Will let them dry out a bit and see how they look before starting up the res again. Little blue could be ready the next time pots get turned on. Temps 24.5 RH 47. Cleaned the res out and the other one is sitting ready to go. 2 of the bubbas, Taco and second biggest girl showing preflower today but I can’t tell the sex yet which is odd. I’m still a newbie so I’ll chalk it up to that. Two pics below, in order are morning and evening. Lights went off today too for the first time and it showed temps dipped to 20 so I’m ok with that.

had a small leaf issue and it looks like bug damage but I removed it and checked that leaf extensively through a 100x lens and didn’t see anything???? It has another spot right beside the hole where it looks like 2 pots squished the leaf. I will be looking out for that for sure
Day 24
Temps 24.4 Rh 44. No change really except for I put the bloom light switch on. They should be heading into their stretch here any day so I’m getting excited. Res won’t be turned on for a week or so.
Day 25
Looks basically the same lol. Some Leaf tucking and that’s about it. Finally bought a PH pen so the next res is gonna be set to 5.9! Happy Wednesday everyone!
Day 26:
My morning (the girls just getting ready for bed) the looked tired. This evening for me they were praying hard to the @Marshydro pro 2 Epistar 320. It’s an older light but they are Mclovin it! Res will be back on tomorrow. Got their food sitting overnight to stabilize the PH and then pots on :headbang:.
Day 27
24 degrees and 40 RH. Girls are happy. Pots were a bit dry but the res is on now. 1/4 strength nutes same as before but this time 7 drops ph up instead of 9. 3 gallons RO water 4.5ml cal mag,micro,grow and velokelp. PH 5.8 with the blue lab pen. Want to up the food but they are doing well so why Mess with a good thing. Once they Start looking hungrier I’ll up it 10-15%.
Beauties mate, How you finding the remo nutes so far? Did you use them on all 4 runs. As I was considering remo. From looking at your pics. It’s doing you great man, nice lush green growth.
Beauties mate, How you finding the remo nutes so far? Did you use them on all 4 runs. As I was considering remo. From looking at your pics. It’s doing you great man, nice lush green growth.
Hey thanks for checking out the thread! I have nothing to compare Remo to but I have been averaging just over 1-1.5lb per grow and this set up is all I have used. (Was in a tent for the first 2 and all I could fit was 3 girls). There is some organics in the supercharger line up that I had trouble balancing in the first two grows. Once I get into the later stages I keep the Velokelp a bit lower as I find it is the first to create sludge. I try to keep the res refills to 3-5 gallons max unless I’m going away and I wash it between every feed. With Autos I find that the Grow nutes always carry over to the next grow as they only veg for a short period. Going to try to push them with the veg nutes as long as I can this time. I’m still new so I get nervous lol. I grew the early miss the first grow and she came in at 15 oz in the jars. She’s a big bud cross with white widow and I have only grown her once so I’m excited about this EM.
I’m certainly parking up too see this grow. I know there gonna be some big plants, I’d personally stick too what your doing it looks perfect. What’s the best ph range you have found for the coco and remo 5.9?

are you half strength or build slowly up.