Grow Mediums 3 Bubba Kush Autos, 1 Early Miss Auto in 15L Autopots. 4th run with Autopots but still very new

Day 30:
I remember my thirties, hell of a decade lol. Temps at the canopy are 25 and Rh is 43. Girls are super happy but I decided to bump them up to 1/4 strength week 3 Remo nutes. 5.25 ml in 3 gallons. cal mag, micro, grow and velokelp. 10 drops ph up and 1 ml drip clean. Ph 5.9. ( that PH pen is way cooler to use). Raised the lights 2” so I’m going to have to lift little blue up tomorrow. We are getting g a cold snap here so I had to move the res inside the grow room. Really didn’t want to do it but I don’t trust the aquarium heater I bought. Plus I like to have only 3-5 gallons in there so the heater doesn’t really work for me. Some pics below with the light off
Day 31:
Temp at canopy is 25 and Rh 51. Girls are looking ready to take off. Res is almost empty already and they are looking happy. 4 of them lifted their skirts and they are definitely girls. the last one is being shy. She should show me soon though. Pic below through the glasses.
Day 32
Humidity is jumping up to 70 in the dark period so it’s almost time to shut the humidifier off. Res was empty so another 3 gallons went in. Uppers the food again a tiny bit. 5.5 ml of the same mixes with 1ml drip clean and 9 drops ph up. Ph sitting at 5.8. Little blue looks a bit overwatered and her pot was pretty heavy so I shut her valve off. Let her drink up a bit before I turn her back on. Super cozy in the room at 24.4 degrees while out side is -15 in the wind :bummer:. Girls are stretching nicely. Pic below with the light off. The left side looks darker as it’s being shaded by the light.
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Day 33. Not much difference. They have now exposed themselves and we have all girls! They are just catching some rays in the comfy 24.4 degrees. Rh 44. Some leaf tucking and I topped up the res with the same mix as last time. Res PH is 5.8. Almost Friday!!!!
Verrrry Nice! Your setup is working well, and it seems you have nutes and conditions dialed nicely. Excellent work so far. :pighug:
Day 34:
Not much change but they are still stretching nicely. One pic just after lights on
Day 36:
Everything’s the same except for they are a tiny bit lighter in colour. Thinking they need a bit more food. Res was empty so I filled with 6 ml of each in 3 gallons of RO water. I have also introduced Natures candy into the res. I’m thinking next res will be bloom nutes but I will see in 2 days I guess. Small dark spot on one leaf that I will have to watch. I’ll take some measurements tonight too. Mars off pics and the one dark spot

One pic through the glasses