Grow Mediums 3 Bubba Kush Autos, 1 Early Miss Auto in 15L Autopots. 4th run with Autopots but still very new

So the tallest girl (taco) is 22”. What do you guys think? Do I feed more veg nutes or switch to bloom on the next one. I upped the strength a smidge today but maybe I should have gone stronger?? I have no EC meter so I’m hand tied to measure strength. Maybe start with a 3rd strength bloom nutes next res? This has been very problem free so far so I don’t want to start any issues now lol. @St. Tom @Olderfart @STICKY_RESIN @Mañ'O'Green @Cannabless . Your thoughts would be great. Have a great Saturday!
Some people can grow well just by looking at their plants? You have done well so far so just follow your gut. Or get a meter?

Plants are not ready for bloom nutrients. Remember you don't push a plant with nutrients you simply want them available when the plant needs them.
I see the plants are around 36 days, and I see pre flowers. I guess it’s time know too feed the first weeks you seen the white hairs that would be your first week of flower.

Nature’s candy, fine too add at week one of flowering. The feed chart recommends it

yes 3rd strength sounds good, your running ro water aswell. So your defently playing it safe there big girls. So far you have done great feed at such low dose. I would stick too it untill you see yellowing from the bottom, just keep your (phstable so you don’t mistake it for underfeeding.

One more thing too mention remo nutes will always have low ppm compared too any other brand, it’s on there website. It will still be as strong. So I think the ppm meter is only good too record your ppm ina diary for next time.

I hope that helps I’m sure there’s some more experienced growers who could help aswell.
Some people can grow well just by looking at their plants? You have done well so far so just follow your gut. Or get a meter?

Plants are not ready for bloom nutrients. Remember you don't push a plant with nutrients you simply want them available when the plant needs them.
Thank you for the quick response! As a newbie to this hobby, I didn’t know if the girls need the different food once they start there journey in flower. Obviously I want them to be as big as possible but at the same time be healthy. This is right around the time I would normally switch so it just makes me nervous lol. How long would you go in veg until you typically switch, like is there a tell tale sign where you just know to flip? Or is every time a bit different. Maybe when they stop growing upward? Thanks again
This is the transition week 1/2 veg 1/2 bloom

Transition week.JPG

This is the start of bloom nutrients:

Start Flower Nutrients.jpg
Day 37:
Res was empty so the girls are still chugging. Girls still a bit lighter green so I upped the food .5 ml of all. 6.5 ml of Cal mag, micro, grow, velokelp and natures candy. Took 16 drops ph up to get the mix to 5.8. Also 1 ml drip clean in 3 gallons RO water. Temps stable 24-25 lights on and 20-21 lights off. Rh 40ish. Taco grew 3/4” in a day and they are all praying nicely. Some pics
Have you noticed improvements with the exhale bags?

My exhaust runs a lot so it wouldn't do a ton in my tent, but I've still been tempted...

Plants look great!!
Have you noticed improvements with the exhale bags?

My exhaust runs a lot so it wouldn't do a ton in my tent, but I've still been tempted...

Plants look great!!
Thanks for popping by and thank you! It’s hard for me to telling what the bags do as I have just always used them. I have nothing to compare it to. My fan also runs a lot but not as much in the dark period so the girls must be getting some use out of it? I also have it on the opposite side as the extraction fan so it will be pulled through the girls on the way out.
Day 38
Res is almost empty but I’m going to wait till tomorrow to fill it. Want to see what the last res is going to do. One girl looking like she’s getting some slight burnt tips so tomorrow I’ll figure out what to do. The rest of the girls appear to be a bit darker green and happy so maybe the one girl has a sensitive side. She’s the one with a few rust spots too so maybe something more is going on. Temp is the same. Rh is 40, I took the humidifier out of the room today. Have a great night peeps. Bottom right girl is burnt tip girl spotty girl. I’m going to call her tips.