Grow Mediums 3 Bubba Kush Autos, 1 Early Miss Auto in 15L Autopots. 4th run with Autopots but still very new

Day 45
Res is empty but the trays are full. I’m going to wait till tomorrow to fill the res again. In the last grow I held off filling the res between days and the plants responded well so I’m going to keep that going here or there. Taco is looking a bit better being out of the direct light so maybe a combo of that and the bloom nutes is helping. Temps 23 day and 20 at nights.
today is the first day that I smelled the sweet smell of buds. This is just the beginning of the aromas and I can’t wait!!
Noob question of the week, but on my autopot instructions it advised against letting res run dry. I'd assume its risk of pipe blocking... But you've found it's OK? Or are you syringing or blowing pipes as part of your cleaning routine?

Plants look lush BTW, good growing!
Noob question of the week, but on my autopot instructions it advised against letting res run dry. I'd assume its risk of pipe blocking... But you've found it's OK? Or are you syringing or blowing pipes as part of your cleaning routine?

Plants look lush BTW, good growing!
Yes debris build up is definitely something to watch out for and that is probably what they are warning about. I haven’t pushed through any water but I do turn off all the valves, fill my res up and then run the new feed water with the end flush valve open. It gets some gunk out and I repeat the process for every tap leading to each autopot. I am now also changing and cleaning my res after every fill. I was doing a cleaning after two res changes but now every time it gets cleaned. I’ve found that sometimes, even with the auto pots, my coco was retaining too much water leading to root issues. I am still new and I’m learning every day! Cheers
Day 46
Res fill 10 ml of each bloom nutes into 4 gallons. 34 drops ph up gets me to 5.8. Just under 1/3 strength. Temps 23.3 Rh 40. Taco is 29” and EM is 32”. Raised the lights up to 24” above. Things looking good to me.
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Day 47
Res is almost empty but the trays are full. The white hairs on a few of them have the ends wilting and turning brown a bit. Definitely some hot spots from the light. I’ve had the light for 4 grows so maybe it’s time to upgrade before the next grow. I upped the speed of the fan that points directly over the canopy and I raised the light again. Sitting 25” above EM. The height of other girls are: taco 29.5”, tips 23”, little blue is 17” and the nameless girl is 26”. Nothing really different but the buds are filling in and the plants are looking pretty healthy all in all.
Day 48:
New day, new clean res change. Same 10 ml bloom nutes in 4 gallons with 31 drops ph up sitting at 5.8. Still have some hot spots but I don’t want to raise the light anymore yet. A few white hairs are shrivelled. All in all I am super happy with the grow so far! And it’s Friday tomorrow!!! Also swapped out the tray of EM for a fresh clean one. Some of her roots are coming out of the bottom so I will have to watch that.
Dehumidifier went in last night. Also put two more hygrometers in there as I mine was giving me false readings. Was way too humid and I’m thinking at lights off it was getting moist and when lights came on the light would burn the tops. Dehu set to 45 so we should be good now. Day 49 pic
Thanks for popping by and thank you! It’s hard for me to telling what the bags do as I have just always used them. I have nothing to compare it to. My fan also runs a lot but not as much in the dark period so the girls must be getting some use out of it? I also have it on the opposite side as the extraction fan so it will be pulled through the girls on the way out.

I'm only on my 3rd grow, and have always had a CO2 exhale bag in my space because.... I was new to growing and wanted to try all the things! :)

I've got an air quality monitor that does CO2 now, so can actually keep an eye on the levels. As you'd expect, it has a lot to do with how much the exhaust is running. Mine runs quite a lot at the moment - especially during the day - so levels stay in the low 400s. Over night or on a cooler day when the exhaust doesn't run as often the levels often drift up into 500s and 600s - sometimes higher - so the bags certainly can make a difference to the CO2 level in your grow space, but won't do much if you're exchanging the air constantly with your exhaust running.

I don't have enough experience or to comment on how this impacts results unfortunately.
I'm only on my 3rd grow, and have always had a CO2 exhale bag in my space because.... I was new to growing and wanted to try all the things! :)

I've got an air quality monitor that does CO2 now, so can actually keep an eye on the levels. As you'd expect, it has a lot to do with how much the exhaust is running. Mine runs quite a lot at the moment - especially during the day - so levels stay in the low 400s. Over night or on a cooler day when the exhaust doesn't run as often the levels often drift up into 500s and 600s - sometimes higher - so the bags certainly can make a difference to the CO2 level in your grow space, but won't do much if you're exchanging the air constantly with your exhaust running.

I don't have enough experience or to comment on how this impacts results unfortunately.
Good to know! My local hydro store owner said they do work but the tank would be better obviously. Tank is way too much money for me. My last grow I actually had 2 but they are 75$ each so these ladies only get one lol. Thanks again for checking out the thread. :d5:
Day 50. Where does the time go. They just grow up so fast lol. Res was empty yesterday and the trays are now empty but all the pots are heavy. I will wait till tomorrow to turn them back on. Same nute feed And PH is at 5.8. Smelling better in there every day.