Indoor 2Stoned2Care Goes ORGANIC With Biotabs Starterkit

Looking great 2Stoned, though I'm coming to expect that with the tabs.

If I didn't know better I'd say left girl was on. Day 20+, looks like u got a high yielder there.

Thanks jay loving the biotabs and lets hope the big girl is actually a girl i just get paranoid its a boy hahahahaha.still no signs of sex from either so far but should know in a week
Thought i would show the difference leaf tucking makes for the side branches to get more light,as you can see before and after the side branches now get the same light as the main cola which helps them keep up,you don't need to stress your girls to get them bushier and yield more



Thanks for popping by :pass:
Thought i would show the difference leaf tucking makes for the side branches to get more light,as you can see before and after the side branches now get the same light as the main cola which helps them keep up,you don't need to stress your girls to get them bushier and yield more


Super nice before and after shot :eyebrows: really informative :thumbsup:

Stilton is on Day 17 ?
Yes bro day 17 and cant believe i actually call her the small one hahaha she is still a big girl for 17 days lol

indeed she is, but anything would look small compared to the blue .. :worship:

Now i wish that i could have gone for the full "biotab start-up" instead of just adding tabs and watering.. but my white cheese is almost keeping up with @Slater cobs so far, in the WC growoff :eyebrows:
indeed she is, but anything would look small compared to the blue .. :worship:

Now i wish that i could have gone for the full "biotab start-up" instead of just adding tabs and watering.. but my white cheese is almost keeping up with @Slater cobs so far, in the WC growoff :eyebrows:

No need to panic Slowmo she will be getting a topping in a couple of days. You will be over taking by then.

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Thought i would show the difference leaf tucking makes for the side branches to get more light,as you can see before and after the side branches now get the same light as the main cola which helps them keep up,you don't need to stress your girls to get them bushier and yield more

View attachment 708351
View attachment 708352

Thanks for popping by :pass:

:slap:.... Keep it coming!
Looks good these biotabs :) their packs say 5 to plants, if you had 15ltr pots how many do you think a pack would do?

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Welcome bro i have just put 2 tabs in each of my 15 ltr pots so i can grow 5 plants and the biotabs are really cheap anyway