Indoor 2Stoned2Care Goes ORGANIC With Biotabs Starterkit

I'm in mate. Lots to learn from you and I fancy doing those tabs next run :pass:

That baby looks amazing and is a proper giant for 12 days! Amazing stuff mate :d5:

Thanks bro welcome to my first attempt at a 100% fully organic grow,i was fed up of mixing nutes so this just seems so simple with just water needed.that girl is the biggest i have had at this age,heres a pic of the girls i have growing both are the exact same age


Thanks for popping by :pass:
Thanks bro welcome to my first attempt at a 100% fully organic grow,i was fed up of mixing nutes so this just seems so simple with just water needed.that girl is the biggest i have had at this age,heres a pic of the girls i have growing both are the exact same age

View attachment 706513

Thanks for popping by :pass:

Boom... @2Stoned2Care is back in the game, awesome start dude, that blue is super charged...:slap:
I'm going have do zambeza again after this grow, I've got their Power Kush and Candy Carmelo in the wings..
Both on tabs mate?

Yes bro both using the biotabs starter kit

Boom... @2Stoned2Care is back in the game, awesome start dude, that blue is super charged...:slap:
I'm going have do zambeza again after this grow, I've got their Power Kush and Candy Carmelo in the wings..

Thanks slater the zambeza blue cheese reminds me of the white cheese growth so hopefully its a girl and the mephisto stilton has normal growth for its age,i just love the fact all i have to do is water the girls with no ppm/ph checking.if all goes well i think i will try the next 2 girls with my autopot system.

This blue cheese is on steroids she is growing like shes in full stretch mode already lol


Thanks for popping by :pass:
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Thanks slater the zambeza blue cheese reminds of my the white cheese growth so hopefully its a girl and the mephisto stilton has normal growth for its age,i just love the fact all i have to do is water the girls with no ppm/ph checking.if all goes well i think i will try the next 2 girls with my autopot system.

Biotabs specifically recommends tabs + autopots as a killer combo ... i don't think you will be disapointed !

are you using the

Aswell as tabs ?
Biotabs specifically recommends tabs + autopots as a killer combo ... i don't think you will be disapointed !

are you using the
View attachment 706857

Aswell as tabs ?

No bro i never got the boom boom spray because if i did i would then of got the compost tea and pk booster as well but i wanted to keep it simple with just water not spraying leaves and mixing compost tea that just seems to contradict the ease of what i wanted and by the looks of my girls the starter kit is all thats needed :thumbsup: