Indoor 2Stoned2Care Goes ORGANIC With Biotabs Starterkit

Here you go mate
Back in September i got burgled at home, lost my stash and loads of personal possession's, it made me a bit paranoid so i stopped everything to the point of not even wanting to be on the site!! it took maybe three months to sort everything with my insurance company so decided to keep my head down until it was all sorted.
I see you've had some problems of your own with your landlord. Don't let the bastards keep you down i say.:smoking:
Here you go mate
Back in September i got burgled at home, lost my stash and loads of personal possession's, it made me a bit paranoid so i stopped everything to the point of not even wanting to be on the site!! it took maybe three months to sort everything with my insurance company so decided to keep my head down until it was all sorted.
I see you've had some problems of your own with your landlord. Don't let the bastards keep you down i say.:smoking:

Oh shit bro sorry to hear that,what a bunch of bastards i dont know what the fuck this world is coming to bro,glad you have not let it stop you from growing and my landlord defo wont stop me growing :pass:
So i think i can say with 99% certainty that big bluey is a girl :woohoo:


Thanks for popping by :pass: