Indoor 2Stoned2Care Goes ORGANIC With Biotabs Starterkit

Looking good dude, enjoying watching this grow those ladys are just looking so tabs and cobs is a recipe for monsters...

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Thanks bro,the poor stilton will have no room soon so dont know what i am going to do with her,she will have 0 light and no room to grow.what a dilemma to have lol
Thanks bro,the poor stilton will have no room soon so dont know what i am going to do with her,she will have 0 light and no room to grow.what a dilemma to have lol

you know what that means... new tent, new house, got to take care of those lady's
loving the grow man! These biotabs seem to be doing the job very nicely! I'm not in a position to grow at the minute, but defo thinking of switching up from AN nutes to something organic, thanks for the inspiration!
[emoji106] super nice grow off. Yeah another tent is needed. Wow!!

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I admit I was pretty skeptical about biotabs at first, but You are killing it 2stoned! I may have to try these on my next grow, already procuring COBs! Will surely lean on this as a footprint.

Will check in again on this NJ!
So we have a bad and good update if that makes sense because big bluey is no longer with us she decided she did not know what gender she/it wanted to be and hermied on me,to say i am pissed off would be a massive understatement but the grow goes on with girl number 2,stilton is doing fantastic she is 40cm tall and 50cm wide already at day 29 i am so impressed with her she already stinks like coffee and skunk

Really sorry for the guys wanting to see big bluey grow but it is what it is

Day 29 Stilton i am in love with this girl


Thanks for popping by :pass: