Indoor 2Stoned2Care Goes ORGANIC With Biotabs Starterkit

Thanks a lot mate :thumbsup:
Tag me in when you start the Biobizz and BioTabs please.

I always start my outdoor girls in Biobizz in three gallon thin fabric pots. Then when we take them outdoors we just drop them in a hole in the ground treated with bacteria and nutrients. Hoping to drop them in this year with BioTabs and stop lugging nutrients out to the site every week.
Tag me in when you start the Biobizz and BioTabs please.

I always start my outdoor girls in Biobizz in three gallon thin fabric pots. Then when we take them outdoors we just drop them in a hole in the ground treated with bacteria and nutrients. Hoping to drop them in this year with BioTabs and stop lugging nutrients out to the site every week.

Will do.

I was amazed to see they even do a biotab specifically for guerrilla grows! Smart company.
I waited untill i had a tap root before adding the bactrex and orgatrex liquid then put my seed in with a homemade humidity dome on top which keeps the medium moist were the seed is but lets the rest of the medium dry out,then just gave my usual splash of water when required

I've done the same today with an AvT mate. 15 litre airpot and the full biotabs starter kit set up. Looking forward to seeing how it goes.
Day 54 and i have never had a girl this quick she is just about done,all cloudy and lots of amber already and as you can see by the leaves she is defo just about ready.not swelled as much as i would of liked but thats not her fault for finishing so quick,



Thanks for popping by :pass:
Day 54 and i have never had a girl this quick she is just about done,all cloudy and lots of amber already and as you can see by the leaves she is defo just about ready.not swelled as much as i would of liked but thats not her fault for finishing so quick,

View attachment 728385
View attachment 728386

Thanks for popping by :pass:

Looking great bro

I'm convinced the tabs speed up maturity compared with other nutes, just can't figure out why. :shrug:
Day 54 and i have never had a girl this quick she is just about done,all cloudy and lots of amber already and as you can see by the leaves she is defo just about ready.not swelled as much as i would of liked but thats not her fault for finishing so quick,

View attachment 728385
View attachment 728386

Thanks for popping by :pass:

She is looking mighty fine there sir, that's gonna be some nice bud for sure
Heres a quick macro so you can see what i mean about she is so ready

View attachment 728387

She has gone early... being me I would be tempted to take her further but I do like my narcotic couch lock... You going to try a do a White Cheese again ? mine is just about to finish, gonna yield pretty good. She was an easy girl to grow.