Indoor 2Stoned2Care Goes ORGANIC With Biotabs Starterkit

Love your pics mate, they're up there with the breeders, like you put your girls thru a photoshoot.

Thanks jay that means alot,i try my best just got into proper photography about 6 months ago still got tons to learn but what a way to get better by taking photos of your girls
Show off! :smokeit:

My ex had this ability. We could both take pictures of the same thing and mine would look like a stupid picture and hers would look like a beautifully composed photograph.

Seriously, I envy you folks with the eye for photography. Great photo! :d5:
@2Stoned2Care Hey bro could I please ask when you planted your seeds, how much of the Barctrex & Orgatrex solution did you water the pot with? And did you skip putting the 2 teaspoons of Mycrotex in the planting hole for the seed?

Thanks mate. Keep rocking it here because I need someone to follow on my first Biotab grow otherwise I haven't got a clue what to do! :d5: :vibe:

I've got an AvT bean soaking at the moment and she'll be my first organic girl.