Indoor 2Stoned2Care Goes ORGANIC With Biotabs Starterkit

Fantastic brother :d5: i can see biotabs taking a good slice of the market and hurting the nutrient companies

i totally agree sang its all i will be using from now on just so simple and no need to make your own super soil and leave it to mature for 3 months.cant wait to see what it tastes like being a fully organic grow

Subbing up for the final laps. @HemiSync sent me over since I've expressed interest in BioTabs. I'll be catching up here later today. Thanks for what looks like a great job of documenting.

Thanks bro pull up a chair.this is my first time using the biotabs kit and my new diy cob light so still a learning curve me as well but all looks great so far and nothing simpler than just using water

I only wish my synthetic nutrient plants were looking so good at day 44. Those are budding up nicely. :slap:

Thanks for the slap hemi.this girl looks so much better than all my other grows using nutes and not a single deficiency so far which is a awesome bonus
Day 48 and should have some nice fat colas on this girl.the smell of cheese from this girl is insane :woohoo:


Thanks for popping by :pass:
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Thanks guys,its called stilton special and she certainly is special i wish you could smell her its an orgasm for the nasal cavity :woohoo1:
That's a visual I may never get out of my brain.... Squirrel! IMG_2146.JPG Never mind, gone now. :rofl: