Indoor 2Stoned2Care Goes ORGANIC With Biotabs Starterkit

Only a week to wait bro then you will be on the biotabs train choo choo :thumbsup:
That reminds me I need to get some new coco to start this BioTabs experiment off to a good start.
Lovely structure bro, you're on for the fat buds!

Thanks jay just hoping the 4000k spectrum makes them nice and fat.still got my mars 400w if i need more red but i think the 4000k will be ok

Rocking it dude...4000k all the way...:slap:

Thanks for the rep slater bro.i am loving the cobs for sure and so is my girl

Looking great dude, really nice form on her and healthy color...

I wouldn't expect it to be her last feed though, I usually continue with 10ml orgatrex in 0,5l per week and sometimes even add additional tab...
She's proper sized so expect her to eat more...

I'll park my ass in the corner and enjoy the show if I may...

Welcome bro pull up a comfy seat

i will just keep an eye on her as she already has a little bit of yellowing tips so dont want to over do it with the orgatrex.mephisto girls seem to be really light feeders as well so i will just play it by eye
Been using BioTabs long? Several of us are just starting our first grows with them, so please don't hesitate to enlighten us with any things you might have learned along the way.
Hey Hemi...

I've been using them for over three years now with outstanding results both with photos and autos, I grow in 8l, 15l and 25l autopots btw...

My substrate of choice is a mix of 50% Canna coco Pro, 25% perlite and 25% vermiculite, I also put an inch of clay pebbles on the bottom of each pot with golden root control disc below...

Biotabs are generally mixed in according to the manual...

There's two things I do different, I put one tab in from the beginning and add one new tab every three weeks also instead of one big 25ml orgatrex/bactrex feed at week five I do 10ml/0,5l feed every week from week 3 until 2 weeks before harvest...

I use Epsom salts as foliar feed few times through the grow and I use molasses in flowering if necessary, Epsom is at half tsp/liter of RO water and molasses at one rso/0,5l of RO water...

That's what I can think of for now guys, nothing special but it's a setup that works best for me after four years of indoor growing...
Hey Hemi...

I've been using them for over three years now with outstanding results both with photos and autos, I grow in 8l, 15l and 25l autopots btw...

My substrate of choice is a mix of 50% Canna coco Pro, 25% perlite and 25% vermiculite, I also put an inch of clay pebbles on the bottom of each pot with golden root control disc below...

Biotabs are generally mixed in according to the manual...

There's two things I do different, I put one tab in from the beginning and add one new tab every three weeks also instead of one big 25ml orgatrex/bactrex feed at week five I do 10ml/0,5l feed every week from week 3 until 2 weeks before harvest...

I use Epsom salts as foliar feed few times through the grow and I use molasses in flowering if necessary, Epsom is at half tsp/liter of RO water and molasses at one rso/0,5l of RO water...

That's what I can think of for now guys, nothing special but it's a setup that works best for me after four years of indoor growing...

Thanks for the info bro i will try that next grow but i will still use my plagron light mix but try the one tab to start and add another at week 3
Hey Hemi...

I've been using them for over three years now with outstanding results both with photos and autos, I grow in 8l, 15l and 25l autopots btw...

My substrate of choice is a mix of 50% Canna coco Pro, 25% perlite and 25% vermiculite, I also put an inch of clay pebbles on the bottom of each pot with golden root control disc below...

Biotabs are generally mixed in according to the manual...

There's two things I do different, I put one tab in from the beginning and add one new tab every three weeks also instead of one big 25ml orgatrex/bactrex feed at week five I do 10ml/0,5l feed every week from week 3 until 2 weeks before harvest...

I use Epsom salts as foliar feed few times through the grow and I use molasses in flowering if necessary, Epsom is at half tsp/liter of RO water and molasses at one rso/0,5l of RO water...

That's what I can think of for now guys, nothing special but it's a setup that works best for me after four years of indoor growing...

Hey buddy, think i remember your grows off grass city forum, inspired me to get on the tabs. You doing a journal on here?
Hey Hemi...

I've been using them for over three years now with outstanding results both with photos and autos, I grow in 8l, 15l and 25l autopots btw...

My substrate of choice is a mix of 50% Canna coco Pro, 25% perlite and 25% vermiculite, I also put an inch of clay pebbles on the bottom of each pot with golden root control disc below...

Biotabs are generally mixed in according to the manual...

There's two things I do different, I put one tab in from the beginning and add one new tab every three weeks also instead of one big 25ml orgatrex/bactrex feed at week five I do 10ml/0,5l feed every week from week 3 until 2 weeks before harvest...

I use Epsom salts as foliar feed few times through the grow and I use molasses in flowering if necessary, Epsom is at half tsp/liter of RO water and molasses at one rso/0,5l of RO water...

That's what I can think of for now guys, nothing special but it's a setup that works best for me after four years of indoor growing...
Some sweet information there, thank you very much. I did manage to get my starter pack from across the pond and will be starting a grow with them the first of April using coco/perlite mix in one and possibly straight coco in the other.