I started all of the [HASHTAG]#orangeassault[/HASHTAG] off in solo cups ,, some got transplanted up then down lol,, I kept a nice male and female so will have some more seeds
I have your [HASHTAG]#orangeassualt[/HASHTAG] and rebels [HASHTAG]#sugarbaker[/HASHTAG] in reg form now and I have a F2 seeds from my first cross with a sugar baker x seedstockers BlackBerrygum ,
@Jraven named her [HASHTAG]#blackberrypie[/HASHTAG]
I think the orange assault I went with is lovely and it was her identical sister in looks that got down sized to go with the fastest maturing male I got , I only kept him in a shot pot [emoji3] but was enough [emoji3]
Take care pal,,,
I will stick all the pics together in a thread when all these grows are finished with or that communal thread that's up unless this is thsit ,,, its mad trying to follow them all
Great to have you back ,,,,
What can you tell me about best practice with a seeded plant ? In regards to getting best healthy seeds at the end cycle ?