Live Stoners 2018 Site Improvements and Suggestions

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A few things have come to mind for me:

1. Adjusting how many posts you can view per page, it would be nice to be able to look at 100 posts at a time when I need to catch up in LS.
2. Ability to cross-post or choose what sections a new thread should go to (maybe with a cap of how many locations 1 thread could show up in so it doesn't get plastered across the whole site). If I'm running a Dinafem seed in coco and it's my first grow. I would have to choose between multiple locations to start my thread rather than starting 1 thread that could show up in 3 different categories.

Thanks for taking member's thoughts into consideration. Really makes AFN one of the best forums on the net.
A few things have come to mind for me:

1. Adjusting how many posts you can view per page, it would be nice to be able to look at 100 posts at a time when I need to catch up in LS.
2. Ability to cross-post or choose what sections a new thread should go to (maybe with a cap of how many locations 1 thread could show up in so it doesn't get plastered across the whole site). If I'm running a Dinafem seed in coco and it's my first grow. I would have to choose between multiple locations to start my thread rather than starting 1 thread that could show up in 3 different categories.

Thanks for taking member's thoughts into consideration. Really makes AFN one of the best forums on the net.
I use tapatalk and I can choose the number of posts per page . From 10 up to 100.

And it would be easier if you thread can be linked to relevant sections.

Some way to make my personal journals easier to find .

I find this site to be the most engaging site.
More so when you are active yourself.

Happy growing

Carpe diem et fumus veriditas

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Hey guys I wanted to start a thread for site improvements and suggestions for 2018. It's the feedback from the community that helps us make decisions going forward and it's that's feedback we're going to use for our gameplan.

We do have pretty exciting things in the work, the new server for AFN (hardware) has arrived and being setup, giving us a very nice (and needed) boost in hardware performance. We're expanding our storage solutions and hope to actually increase the amount of media storage available and potentially even allow higher resolution/larger image files too.

I'll start off the first suggestion, navigation. The site is a beast to trawl around. Improving navigation and flow to information is going to be a key thing for me this year.

Simply put, what do you like? What keeps you here?
What turns you off? What don't you like?
What would you like to see to keep you staying here?

You're more than welcome to post up in here or you can PM me directly if youd' rather not have those concerns aired publicly.

Appreciated and let's make 2018 the best year for AFN that we can!

I am new here so maybe this has already been discussed and shot down. I would like to see dedicated discussion areas for plant training and one for nutrients.
Another suggestion:
A DIY section.
Currently, there is a DIY LED forum, and thats all.
There are a few guides smattered around the site, but a central section specifically for DIY would be a big bonus.

    --pH & PPM/EC
There is a DIY thread tucked away hidden somewhere that I once stumbled across and haven't been able to find again since:shrug:
There is a DIY thread tucked away hidden somewhere that I once stumbled across and haven't been able to find again since:shrug:

I found it.
There is a DIY section right down the bottom of the main page.

afn cannazone-member showcase product reviews Section.
I think more Penguin related articles and Penguin Porn would go down a treat..............................

Seriously, thanks guys for the ideas, criticisms, etc it all helps. Don't be afraid to give the Admins your 2 bob's worth. If you don't speak up, they can't hear you.

cheers, eP.
i think all threads related to training and topping autos.should have there own section. called the auto training section;) make it easier for growers to find key info. happy growing;)

I think, currently, that information is too spread out.
There are grow journals in almost every section/subsection of the forum which can make them a pain in the a$$ to try and track down.
Pinned topics should be moved to an information section (most of them).
Example: @autobeast 's great thread on auto topping etc is pinned in one forum.
There are great guides pinned in the new growers forum
There are other guides pinned in the New Growers Journals forum
There are other guides pinned in the indoor growers forum.

Whilst these guides are great, not all of them are specific to the actual forum they are in, which makes them extremely difficult to track down.
Having a Guides Section, with Specific sub-forums JUST for guides would go a long way to help sort this out.
Pinned/locked topics only.
Perhaps a 'Guide Submission' form similar to the product review form (moderated so that a moderator decides on its validity and where to then post/pin it).
Hell, a LOT of the guides in here would be excellent Articles to have on the site main page blog entries.
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