New Grower 1st Time Grower ILGM Grandaddy Purple Auto in 3gallon fabric

In your last pic, the one with yellow, the hygrometer is showing 48% RH. You need to get the humidity up. The range for seedlings tends to be in the 65-70% range given their root system isn't fully established yet so they consume a lot of water through their leaves.

They are definitely stunted. The soil looks super dry. For comparison, here is a pic of mine at day 11 after sprouting:
RocBud Feb 28.jpg

The first batch of seeds I planted after a 20+ year break in growing, all 6 were stunted due to under watering and I pulled them. Not suggesting that is the case with yours, just saying I know how frustrating it can be the first time through. It will all come with practice.
I transplanted them at the end of day 7 and gave them a small amount of water when i transplanted just around the seedling, the rest of the soil was dry. I was planning to water them today since i figured its been 2 days since the transplant. I'm just trying to avoid over watering the most common noob mistake. I can raise the humidity but no1 has said anything so i thought i was ok at 50% which is what i have it set to, I can up it to 60-75% easy but didn't know if i should or not. I will not trash these plants just yet and just look at this as try #1 and avoid what i did wrong next time. Do these plants have any hope or should i just give up and start fresh? I love the advice, its all very helpful.
I transplanted them at the end of day 7 and gave them a small amount of water when i transplanted just around the seedling, the rest of the soil was dry. I was planning to water them today since i figured its been 2 days since the transplant. I'm just trying to avoid over watering the most common noob mistake. I can raise the humidity but no1 has said anything so i thought i was ok at 50% which is what i have it set to, I can up it to 60-75% easy but didn't know if i should or not. I will not trash these plants just yet and just look at this as try #1 and avoid what i did wrong next time. Do these plants have any hope or should i just give up and start fresh? I love the advice, its all very helpful.

nah, don't pull em, let em go ;) rh could stand to be 60-65% at this point, but hell, 50% is ok too ;) for future reference, best bet is to jus plant direct to final pot after germ & uze domez the first week or so to help with humidity...domez work a treat :smoking: also, all seedlingz really need the first few dayz is a misting of the topsoil...when u do start reg wateringz, alwayz water in a ring, away from the stem (uzing outer edgez of leavez as a guide), so the lil rootz are forced to find the water on their own, and thus, grow :smokeit: :thumbsup: ppp
Thank you! good info sir, that is my plan for next time FINAL POT :biggrin: and the watering in a ring, i have been doing it all wrong. I have been misting them since day 1 a few times a day as needed and watering 3-4 days in the solos.

I got the humidity up fast but I'll lower it a little to 60-65%Desktop Screenshot 2021.03.15 -
Day 11 watered yesterday

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I'll be watching as I have a batch of ILGM Granddaddy Purple auto seeds waiting for a future run. Never grown them before.

Looks like we have some things in common going on...3 gal pots, FFOF, and heck, same humidifier haha!

I also start seeds the same way as @420Forever; dig out some of the FFOF from the top center, fill the hole with seed starter mix, plant the seed, mist the soil, and put domes over them. If searching for domes on e.g. Amazon, by the way, search for "cloche" as that is the formal name for a gardening dome (I only learned that through search trial and error).

Looks like the plants got some good growth between day 10 and 11. Good luck!
I will also be doing my next batch his way and thanks for teaching me what a cloche is, now i know and will be getting a 6 pack for the 2nd batch 100%.

Dang even the same humidifier :smoking: if you want to be complete Twinkies my lights are: Amazon product

I think my plants are going to be fine after this bad transplant, I'm trying my best, i just hope I get more than half oz each dry from these guys.
I will also be doing my next batch his way and thanks for teaching me what a cloche is, now i know and will be getting a 6 pack for the 2nd batch 100%.

Dang even the same humidifier :smoking: if you want to be complete Twinkies my lights are: Amazon product

I think my plants are going to be fine after this bad transplant, I'm trying my best, i just hope I get more than half oz each dry from these guys.

Hah, I'm good with my Growers Choice e680 light. At 100% intensity that is 690W from the wall which is a bit much for a 4x4 tent. Hard to keep the temps in range
Hah, I'm good with my Growers Choice e680 light. At 100% intensity that is 690W from the wall which is a bit much for a 4x4 tent. Hard to keep the temps in range

Now that is an amazing light! I'm jealous haha but I'm at my limit with size and heat in my tent with just my 2 china lights, scrubber fan stays on high setting, I'm guessing 190cfm fan was barely enough :face: but i maintain my temps under 85f with my ac set to 72f in the house. I would love a 4x4 tent if i can learn this hobby but i donno about $1k lights.

I just got this govee bluetooth/wifi temp/rh sensor ($11) for my tent as i was curious what my night time temps and min/max of things and this keeps me from checking the tent 10 times a day :greenthumb:
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